Spartaküs: İntikam

Kısaca: ''Spartaküs: İntikam'' (Özgün adı: ''Spartacus: Vengeance''), Starz'da yayınlanan bir Yeni Zelanda yapımı televizyon dizisi olan ''Spartaküsün ikinci sezonu. ''Spartaküs: Kan ve Kum''un devamıdır. İlk gösterimini 27 Ocak 2012'de yapmıştır. Konusunu Spartaküs'ün (Andy Whitfield'in yerine geçen Liam McIntyre'in oynadığı), yoldaş gladyatörleriyle birlikte ustaları Batiatus'u öldürüp gladyatör yetiştirme okulu veya ''ludus''tan kaçtıktan sonra yaşadıklarından alır. Oyuncular ve karakterler arasında ...devamı ☟

Spartaküs: İntikam (Özgün adı: Spartacus: Vengeance), Starz'da yayınlanan bir Yeni Zelanda yapımı televizyon dizisi olan Spartaküs'ün ikinci sezonu. Kan ve Kumun devamıdır. İlk gösterimini 27 Ocak 2012'de yapmıştır.


nu Spartaküs'ün (Andy Whitfield'in yerine geçen Liam McIntyre'in oynadığı), yoldaş gladyatörleriyle birlikte ustaları Batiatus'u öldürüp gladyatör yetiştirme okulu veya ludustan kaçtıktan sonra yaşadıklarından alır. Oyuncular ve karakterler arasında ilk sezondan Lucretia rolünde Lucy Lawless, Oenomaus rolünde Peter Mensah, Crixus rolünde Manu Bennett, Ashur rolünde Nick Tarabay, Ilithyia rolünde Viva Bianca ve Gaius Claudius Glaber rolünde Craig Parker bulunmaktadır. Ayrıca Dustin Clare, Spartaküs: Kan ve Kumun önbölümü olan Arenanın İlahlarındaki Gannicus rolüyle diziye tekrar katılacaktır. Konusu Spartaküs: Kan ve Kumun sonunda gerçekleşen Batiatus Konağı'ndaki kanlı kaçışının ardından, Spartaküs: İntikamda gladyatör ayaklanması Roma Cumhuriyeti'nin kalbine korku salmaya başlar. Praetor Claudius Glaber ve onun Romalı askerleri, daha fazla zarara neden olmadan önce Spartaküs'ün büyüyen özgürleşmiş köleler grubunu bastırmak üzere Capua'ya gönderilir. == Karakterler Asiler * Spartaküs (Liam McIntyre) — Quintus Batiatus'un oyununda (ludus) gladyatör olmuş bir Trakyalı köle. Batiatus Hanesi'ndeki katliamdan sonra Spartaküs kendi ordusunu kurdu ve Roma kölelerini özgürleşmeye teşvik etmektedir. * Oenomaus (Peter Mensah) — eskiden Batiatus'un gladyatör çalıştırıcısıydı, şimdi ise Spartaküs ve asi ordusu için güvenilir bir müttefiktir. * Crixus (Manu Bennett) — bir Galyalı. Spartaküs'ün gelmesinden önce Batiatus'un en iyi gladyatörüydü, şuanda Spartaküs'ün asi ordusunun ikinci adamıdır. Naevia'ya aşıktır. * Mira (Katrina Law) — Spartaküs'ün kaçışına yardım eden bir köle. Şuanda ise azılı bir savaşçı olmasının yanı sıra Spartaküs'ün aşığı. * Gannicus (Dustin Clare) — Spartaküs'ün gelmesinden yıllar önce özgür bırakılmış, oyunun eski bir şampiyon gladyatörü. Capua'ya döndü ve Spartaküs'ün asi ordusuna katıldı. * Naevia (Cynthia Addai-Robinson) — ayaklanmadan önce oyundan sürülen bir köle. Crixus'a aşıktır. * Agron (Dan Feuerriegel) — Batiatus'un oyununa satılan bir Alman gladyatör. Ayaklanmada Spartaküs'e katılan ilk kişidir, kardeşini o ayaklanmada kaybetmiştir. Şuanda ise Spartaküs'ün güvendiği savaşçılardan biridir. * Aurelia (Brooke Williams) — Varro'nun dul kalan eşi, Spartaküs'ün oyundaki tek gerçek arkadaşıdır. Şuanda Spartaküs'le birlikte asi ordusunda kaçmaktadır.


* Lucretia (Lucy Lawless) — Quintus Batiatus'un dul kalan karısı. Eski aşkı Crixus'un ellerinde aldığı yaradan ciddi şekilde zarar görmüştü. Lucretia'nın iyileşmesi Roma halkına, onun tanrıyla olan kişisel bağlantısı olarak sunuldu ve peygamberlikle ödüllendirildiği müjdelendi. * Ilithyia (Viva Bianca) — Senatör Albinius'un kızı ve Glaber'ın karısı, şuanda gebedir. Ayaklanmadan kısa bir süre önce Lucretia tarafından ihanete uğramadan önce onun güvenilir bir arkadaşıydı. * Gaius Claudius Glaber (Craig Parker) — Ilithyia'nın kocası ve bir praetor. Bir gladyatör olarak Spartaküs'ün köleleştirilmesinden sorumludur. Şimdiki görevi ise ayaklanmayı bastırmaktır. * Ashur (Nick Tarabay) — zeki bir Asurlu köle. Batiatus Hanesi'ndeki katliam sırasında öldürülmekten ucu ucuna kurtulmuştur. * Publius Varinius (Brett Tucker) — Glaber's chief political rival and fellow praetor. * Seppia (Hanna Mangan-Lawrence) — Seppius'un küçük kız kardeşi. * Marcus (Luke Pegler) — Glaber's military tribune. * Seppius (Tom Hobbs) — önemli bir genç Capua vatandaşı. Spartaküs'ü yakalama onurunu Glaber'ın elinden almayı istemektedir. == Bölümler == } |ProdKodu = |Aux4 = 1.30 |KısaÖzet = The plot thickens as Spartacus and his rebel band of Gladiators move south and take by deadly force an isolated villa owned by a wealthly Roman, who tells them that he owned Naevia for a short time before selling her to another villa owner further south. The newly freed slaves of the villa are afraid of the sudden freedom, especially a young male named Tiberius, who used to be in a high position among the slaves. Tiberius attempts to kill Spartacus during the night, but fails. Spartacus will not see young Tiberius killed as repayment for the attempt, but would train him. Later a slave named Chadra is having sex with a Gaul when Mira interrupts thinking the Gaul was raping her. But she says she chose to lay with him so he would protect her in battle and give her higher standing with the rebel group. Meanwhile in Capua, the recovering Lucretia receives messages from the Gods in a dream on how to defeat Spartacus. Glaber believes in her new status of Prophetess, if only from public approval. In the Capua marketplace, Lucretia receives a note from a mysterious stranger. In a flashback sequence, Oenomaus relives his purchase from the Pit by Titus Lentulus Batiatus in his youth, the discovery of honor and purpose of becoming a Champion. Oenomaus, in his search for death, faces many opponents in the Pits and after he is weakened from a fight, he is taken to the villa before Glaber by a mysterious stranger. The mysterious stranger is unmasked to reveal Ashur, former nefarious right-hand man of Quintus Batiatus, who is working in secret with Lucretia to some unknown ends. |LineColor = 515545 }} |ProdKodu = |Aux4 = 1.40 |KısaÖzet = The episode opens with Spartacus and crew freeing another band of slaves destined for the dreaded Mines. A slaver with his dying breath tells Agron and Nasir that Naevia lives but is suffering in harsh servitude in the Mines. Agron, who believes an attempt to free Naevia would result in the death of all the Rebels, lies and tells Crixus Naevia is dead. In Capua, Ashur is set to the purpose of breaking Oenomaus' silence through torture which fails. Lucretia reveals to Ashur the betrayal of Oenomaus' wife Melitta, with his closest friend and brother Gannicus (events that occured in Gods of the Arena). Oenomaus in his disbelief reveals the Rebels' purpose of going south in search of Naevia. Glaber, focused on holding his status, neglects his wife Ilithyia. Nasir can no longer bring himself to maintain Agron's lie and tells Crixus the truth. There is division between Spartacus and Agron, Agron takes his own group to make camp at Mt. Vesuvius. Spartacus, Crixus and the others that remain go to the mines. Disguising themselves as slaves and guards, they infiltrate the mines in search of Naevia. Glaber had dispatched his soldiers to the mines. Ashur goes with the Roman contingent, Ashur recognizes two of Spartacus' men posing as guards, the soldiers enter the mines in pursuit. Crixus is briefly reunited with Naevia, but they are overcome by soldiers. Crixus sacrifices himself for their escape and Ashur delivers the blow that causes Crixus to fall unconscious. |LineColor = 515545 }} |ProdKodu = |Aux4 = 1.47 |KısaÖzet = Very few escape the rescue mission from the Mines alive. Spartacus will suffer to leave no one behind even if it means the death of them all. The Romans lead by Glaber's Tribune Marcus are in hot pursuit, assisted by Ashur. Crixus and two others are reunited with Oenomaus at the villa, where treachery abounds. Glaber must ease the insult he gave to Varinius a fellow Praetor, Ilithyia suggest a party in his honor. Young Seppia seeks advice from Lucretia on seeking her future husband and sets her sights on Varinius, much to Ilithyia's envy. Ilithyia, angered by the neglect of Glaber, forms a plan to have her marriage dissolved and Varinius as her new husband. Crixus and Oenomaus are spared from death and another suffers torture at the hands of the party goers. Spartacus' numbers dwindle in the forest as they are killed one by one by the pursuing Romans. By the final fight only Spartacus, Mira, Naevia and wounded Nasir are left alive. Spartacus wounds Marcus and Ashur takes Marcus further into the forest and finishes him off before Marcus can alert the remaining soldiers of their position. Ilithyia outshines young Seppia and brokers a deal with Varinius for marriage if Albinius (Ilithyia's father) dissolves her marriage. Ilithya seeks out her father among the party only to find him in bed with Lucretia. Ilithyia attacks Lucretia, but Lucretia reveals she did it only to heal past wrongs she had done to Ilithyia and help her seek her future as Varinius' wife. Spartacus and Mira now stand as one as they see a horde of strangers approach in the sun's early light, only to find it is Agron and the rest of the Rebels come to aid them. |LineColor = 515545 }} |ProdKodu = |Aux4 = 1.56 |KısaÖzet = A plan is hatched and brothers are reunited upon the sands in this episode. Spartacus having met Lucius a Roman disillusioned with Rome because of the civil war Sulla waged years ago, gives shelter and information to the Rebels, mainly that the rumors that abound are that Spartacus and the Rebels are finished and all but slaughtered. Spartacus unwilling to forsake Crixus and send a message to the Romans, hatches a daring plan of rescue, where they will take the arena in Capua. Gannicus returns to Capua to give Oenomaus a honorable death in the arena, but unaware Oenomaus knows the truth of Gannicus' affair with Melitta. Lucretia dissuades Ilithyia from aborting her child, though Ilithyia must be rid of the pregnancy if she will marry Varinius. Lucretia through Ashur reveals the abortion attempt to Glaber. Ilithyia admits upon confrontation that their love and marriage is over. When the primus fight starts Oenomaus viciously attacks Gannicus and Mira is set to purpose of bringing down the arena by fire. When the arena collapses Spartacus and Agron attacks the remaining gladiators and guards and escape with Gannicus, Crixus and Oenomaus, but not before Spartacus throws a spear directly at Glaber and nicks his cheek. Glaber the last to leave the pulvenus comes upon Albinius (Ilithyia's father) trapped beneath a fallen beam, but he does not save his father-in-law, but repeatedly crushes his skull. Glaber finds Ilithyia and tells her her father was killed by Spartacus and that they will remain married. |LineColor = 515545 }} |ProdKodu = |Aux4 = 1.19 |KısaÖzet = With the injured Oenomaus and Crixus rescued, the group returns to the fallen temple. Glaber tests Ashur, and through the passing this test Ashur's status and pride is elevated, filled with his own sense of self importance. Lucretia attempts to bring him to heel, but her efforts backfire as Ashur rapes Lucretia. Glaber still angry and feeling the sting of betrayal treats Ilithyia cruelly, in where she seeks comfort with Lucretia, and schemes to win back Glaber´s love. Glaber's attempts at joining forces with Seppius is rebuffed yet again, resulting in the young Seppia being invited to the villa instead. Gannicus meanwhile scoffs at Spartacus and the rebels, feeling that what they are fighting for is a cause. Naevia, being haunted by her ordeal, is unable to show her love physically to Crixus, while he is unable to forgive Agron for lying about Naevia's death. Spartacus attempts to enlist Gannicus to the cause, but Gannicus remains unconvinced. Lucius, the disillusioned Roman, seeks to aid in training the rebels who were once house slaves. Chadara would rather seek her place in the bed of another gladiator, but is rebuffed. Ashur is sent to recruit the most violent of former gladiators for Glaber's new plan. Oenomaus awakens and tells Gannicus that they were once brothers and the betrayal with Melitta is not easily forgotten or forgiven. Seppia after some coaxing from Ilithyia, Lucretia and Glaber agrees to speak with her brother. But to no avail, Glaber has already moved against Seppius with Ashur's new recruits, and slaughters Seppius' and every other living being in villa, Glaber takes his time delivering the final death blow to Seppius himself. The map on which Spartacus and Agron make their plans vanishes, along with the last bit of money the rebels have. Gannicus is accused, a fight ensues between the former champions of Batiatus, but comes to a draw as Mira drawing an arrow from her bow shoots down Chadara who was attempting to flee with map and missing coins in hand. Gannicus also takes his leave. |LineColor = 515545 }} |ProdKodu = |Aux4 = 1.25 |KısaÖzet = This episode opens in the port city of Neapolis, where Spartacus, Agron, and Lucius pose as rich Romans interested in buying a new shipment of slaves, all of whom hail from the Germanic tribes of the north. The quest complicated itself when Agron speaks to the slaves in their mother tongue, and is overheard by a guard who also shares their tongue, but the operation succeeds nonetheless and the rebel army swells with Agron's distant kin. This alarms Crixus and Lucius given the possibility that these new recruits may not follow Spartacus' orders in favour of Agron. Meanwhile in Capua, Glaber enlists the former mercenary band that belonged to young Seppius, and the pledge the Sacramentum to Glaber and to Rome. After raping her again, Ashur believes Lucretia is beginning to have feelings for him, and he presents her with a red wig like she used to wear as a symbol of her belonging to him. Ganniucus, prompted by Ashur, goes to the villa for an audience with Glaber, where he offers Gannicus the chance to be a beacon of hope, the front man to his army. Glaber also returns Gannicus' rudis. Ilithyia, growing ever more desparate that Glaber will never forgive her, wishes she were dead. Lucretia however comes up with a plan for Ilithyia to break free of Glaber's hatred and vengeful attitude and go home to Rome. The plan involves Lucretia fooling Glaber into thinking Ilithyia needs to go to Rome, in order for the gods to bless their unborn child. After a failed attempt to bond with the new recruits on a hunting trip, which turns into highway robbery as the new recruits accost a wagon on the road, Spartacus, Crixus, and Lucius wonder whether Agron's loyalty lies with his kinsmen, or with Spartacus. A great feast turns into a bloody battle after Seddulus, the biggest of all the new recruits tries to rape Naevia, after which Naevia stabs him and calls for help. Agron decides this has gone too far and helps Crixus and Spartacus control the German. Spartacus, asserting his authority as leader, fights Seddulus and brutally kills him. After witnessing the gruesome scene, Agron's tribesmen swear allegiance to Spartacus. Lucretia and Gannicus meet in the market, where Ganncius mourns for his friend from the brothel who is now crucified for merely whispering about Spartacus fight for freedom for all. Lucretia tempts Gannicus with a plan to kill Glaber and end this conflict. Ilithyia is packed off to Rome, but not before Lucretia reveals the plan to her. Ilithyia kisses Glaber goodbye. No more than a few hours in her absence Glaber has sex with Seppia, when unfortunate news reaches him Ilithyia's wagon is viciously attacked on the road to Rome. All that is in the wagon is one of Ashur's henchmen with Gannicus' rudis sticking out of his neck. Glaber has his answer from Gannicus. |LineColor = 515545 }} |ProdKodu = |Aux4 = |KısaÖzet = Gannicus leads Ilithyia to the rebel camp. Ilithyia pleading for her life and the life of her unborn child reveals to Spartacus that the child she carries is not Glaber's, but his own child. Conceived the night that Lucretia tricked her into laying with Spartacus. Ilithyia tries to convince Lucius to send word to Capua of her whereabouts, but Spartacus however enlists him in delievering message to Glaber. Mira also attempts to save Spartacus the burden of killing Ilithyia, but is stopped short by Spartacus. Glaber and Ashur scour the town for clues about where Gannicus has taken Ilithyia, laying waste to every brothel. Ashur collecting goods from every corspe. Lucretia tries to bring to bare with Seppia, but gets nowhere, turning to Ashur for help she also gets nowhere but Lucretia notices that among Ashur horde of jewels and gold is dead Seppius' gold twin snake armlet. About to confront Seppia with the news of Glaber's being responsible for her brother's death, they are interrupted by Lucius and his message from Spartacus. The message is in exchange for a wagons filled with arms and armor, the Rebels will release Ilithyia. After a heated exchange by hero and villian, treachery is revealed and the wagon is filled with Ashur and his mercenary band. Glabber returns absent Ilithyia, Lucretia finally reveals the depth of Glabber's vengeance and murderous deeds to Seppia. Spartacus releases Ilithyia in the woods. |LineColor = 515545 }} |ProdKodu = |Aux4 = |KısaÖzet = |LineColor = 515545 }} |Yönetmen = |Senarist = |OrijinalYayınTarihi = |ProdKodu = |Aux4 = |KısaÖzet = |LineColor = 515545 }} |} == Yapım == Spartaküs dizilerinin yaratımcısı Steven S. DeKnight bir röportajda, Spartaküs rolü için "çok güçlü bir ikilinin" olduğunu ve 2. sezonun Nisan 2011'de Yeni Zelanda'da yapılmaya başlanacağını söyledi. DeKnight, Spartaküsün yapımcıları ve Starz yöneticilerinin Andy Whitfield olmadan ilerlemeleri konusunda her zaman emin olamadıklarını ve ünlü bir savaşçı rolü için "ağırlık ve yürek" gerektiğini söylediklerini ekledi. "It's unheard of to recast your titular character in a television show, and we did a lot of soul searching about whether we even wanted to try", DeKnight said. "And then Andy [1] said, 'I really think the show should go forward without me. I give you the blessing. I want this story told. 17 Ocak 2011'de, Whitfield'ın yerine Avustralyalı film ve dizi oyuncusu Liam McIntyre seçildiği açıklandı. 26 Şubat 2011 Entertainment Weekly röportajında, DeKnight ikinci sezonun 2012'nin "Ocak sonunda" yayınlanacağını açıkladı. Bunun dışında, Naevia adlı köleyi canlandıran Lesley-Ann Brandt'in, would also not be able to return for season 2 due to the delay in production. On Aug. 1, 2011, Starz released a trailer indicating the new series will premiere in January, 2012. == Yayınlama == 7 Kasım 2011'de Starz, Spartaküsün ilk gösterimini 27 Ocak 2012'de yapacağını duyurdu. Ayrıca bu ikinci bir sezona geçen ilk Starz özgün yapımı oldu.


Starz, 7 Kasım 2011'de Spartaküs'ü 2. sezonun (İntikam) ötesinde bir sezon daha uzattı.


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