Abd Kızılderilileri Eyalet Kabileleri

Kısaca: ABD Kızılderilileri eyalet kabileleri ya da eyalet olarak tanınan ABD Kızılderili kabileleri veya kısaca eyalet kabilesi (İngilizce ''state recognized tribes''), Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'ne bağlı bazı eyaletler hariç Kıta ABD'sinde yaşayan ABD Kızılderililerinin oluşturduğu ve ABD'nin eyaletleri tarafından eyaletçe tanınan kabile birlikleridir ya da "kabile" (''tribe'') statüsü alan Kızılderililerin topluca resmi adlarıdır. Eyalet olarak değil de federal olarak tanınan kabileler ise ABD Kızıl ...devamı ☟

ABD Kızılderilileri eyalet kabileleri ya da eyalet olarak tanınan ABD Kızılderili kabileleri veya kısaca eyalet kabilesi (İngilizce state recognized tribes), Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'ne bağlı bazı eyaletler hariç Kıta ABD'sinde yaşayan ABD Kızılderililerinin oluşturduğu ve ABD'nin eyaletleri tarafından eyaletçe tanınan kabile birlikleridir ya da "kabile" (tribe) statüsü alan Kızılderililerin topluca resmi adlarıdır. Eyalet olarak değil de federal olarak tanınan kabileler ise ABD Kızılderilileri federal kabileleri adı altında listelenir. == Liste Alabama * Cher-O-Creek Intertribal Indians Letter of Intent to Petition 05/27/1988; Letter of Intent to Petition 09/23/1981; * MOWA Band of Choctaw Indians * Piqua Shawnee Tribe * Paucatuck Eastern Pequot Indians of Connecticut. Letter of Intent to Petition 06/20/1989.




, the Governor's Council on Indian Affairs in 1988 adopted a policy which recommends that state officials refrain from recognizing any group not first acknowledged by the federal government. However, they have set a secondary set of recommendations for what the criteria for state recognition should be in case the state government should wish to bypass the first recommendation: "A state action should (1) create a government-to-government relationship between state and tribe, (2) set forth an explicit rendering of the state's interpretation of 'recognition,' (3) be confined only to groups descended from Seminole, Miccosukee, Creek, or a tribe located in


prior to May 30, 1830, and (4) meet federal criteria for recognition." So far,


has recognized no tribes.


Per Title 44, Chapter 12, Article 7, Part 3 of the


( O.C.G.A. § 44-12-300 (2007)), the State of


"officially recognizes as legitimate American Indian tribes of


the following tribes, bands, groups, or communities" for state purposes: * The Cherokee of


Tribal Council
(a.k.a. Cherokee Indians of


, Inc.
) Letter of Intent to Petition 08/08/1977.


* Southern Cherokee Nation of


"While there is no legislative criteria for recognition of Indian tribes,


does recognize the Southern Cherokee Nation of


as an Indian tribe at the state level. The Southern Cherokee Nation of


was first recognized via proclamation by Governor John Y. Brown in 1893 and again by Governor Fletcher on November 20, 2006. This tribe is headquartered in Henderson,


." Letter of Intent to Petition 09/13/2006. Letter of Intent to Petition 09/13/1993. Recognized by the State of Louisiana in 1997. **Piscataway Conoy Confederacy and Sub-Tribes **Cedarville Band of Piscataway Indians * Piscatway Indian Nation Letter of Intent to Petition 05/21/2007.


* Burt Lake Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians. Letter of Intent to Petition 09/12/1985; Declined to acknowledge on 9/21/2006 (71 FR 57995). Letter of Intent to Petition 4/28/1978; In 2007, Genízaros received New Mexico state legislative recognition as an indigenous group. Although New Mexico's Legislative Memorial bills do not have the force of law, HM 40 and SM 59 formally acknowledge the legislative desire to recognize Genízaros as an indigenous group. This is an important step in sustaining State and Federal Genízaro Indian recognition. Some American Indian law scholars have opined that state legislative memorials and/or resolutions create official state recognition. Of the 16 states that host state-recognized tribes, 5 have recognized tribes through the enactment of state legislative resolutions/memorials, suggesting this legislative recognition process is an appropriate means for granting formal state recognition.

New York

* Unkechague Poosepatuck Tribe Letter of Intent to Petition 3/13/1981. * Lumbee Tribe of Cheraw Indians (Lumbee Regional Development Association Inc., Lumbee Tribe, * Meherrin Indian Tribe (I). Established and recognized by North Carolina as an Urban Indian Center in January 1976. * Occaneechi Band of the Saponi Nation. B. Native American Indian Group; C. Native American Special Interest Organization. State-recognized Tribes: * Beaver Creek Indians. Letter of Intent to Petition 01/26/1998. *Edisto Natchez-Kusso Indians (Four Holes Indian Organization), state recognized tribe in 2010. State recognized tribal group in 2005. Tennessee Code authorized the state Commission of Indian Affairs from 1983 to 2000 and from 2003 to 2010 to "establish appropriate procedures to provide for legal recognition by the state of presently unrecognized tribes, nations, groups, communities or individuals, and to provide for official state recognition by the commission of such." On 19 June 2010, 11 days prior to its termination, six members of the seven-member Tennessee Commission of Indian Affairs, four of whom were members of the same groups seeking the Commission's recognition, violated its administrative procedures, adopted a new standing rule recognition procedure, and proceeded to approve state recognition of six groups. However, the state Attorney General, as the Commission's attorney, determined that the Commission committed six violations of the state's Open Meeting Act, Open Record Act and Uniform Administrative Procedures Act, and declared the June recognition "void and of no effect" on 3 September 2010. Teksas * Lipan Apache Tribe of Texas recognition signed into statute April 22, 2011. *Nulhegan Band of the Coosuk Abenaki Nation; In 2009, Senate Indian Affairs Committee endorsed a bill that would grant federal recognition. * Monacan Indian Nation (formerly Monacan Indian Tribe of Virginia). Letter of Intent to Petition 07/11/1995. State recognized 1989; in Bear Mountain, Amherst County. In 2009, Senate Indian Affairs Committee endorsed a bill that would grant federal recognition. * Nansemond Indian Tribal Association, Letter of Intent to Petition 9/20/2001. State recognized 1985; in Cities of Suffolk and Chesapeake. In 2009, Senate Indian Affairs Committee endorsed a bill that would grant federal recognition. *Nottoway of Virginia (Nottoway Indian Tribe, recognized 2010; in Capron, Southampton County. * Pamunkey Nation, recognized 1983; in Banks of the Pamunkey River, King William County. * Patawomeck Indians of Virginia recognized 2010; in Stafford County. * Rappahannock Indian Tribe (I) (formerly United Rappahannock Tribe). Letter of Intent to Petition 11/16/1979. State recognized 1983; in Indian Neck, King & Queen County. In 2009, Senate Indian Affairs Committee endorsed a bill that would grant federal recognition. : Shares a name with an unrecognized tribe Rappahannock Indian Tribe (II). * Upper Mattaponi Indian Tribe (formerly Upper Mattaponi Indian Tribal Association). Letter of Intent to Petition 11/26/1979. State recognized 1983; in King William County. In 2009, Senate Indian Affairs Committee endorsed a bill that would grant federal recognition.


*Chinook Indian Tribe of Oregon & Washington, Inc. (Chinook Nation, Chinook Indian Tribe) Letter of Intent to Petition 07/23/1979; Declined to acknowledge 07/12/2003 (67 FR 46204). Also in Oregon.



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