Bernard Lee

Kısaca: Bernard Lee (10 Ocak 1908 - 16 Ocak 1981) James Bond filmlerinin unutulmaz M karakterinin oyuncusu. ...devamı ☟

Bernard Lee (10 Ocak 1908 - 16 Ocak 1981)

James Bond

filmlerinin unutulmaz M karakterinin oyuncusu. 1908 yılında Londra'da doğdu.Kraliyet Akademisi Dramatik Sanat bölümünde oyunculuğa atıldı.1981 yılında Mide Kanseri'nden öldü. James Bond Bu james bond filmlerinde birinci filmden itibaren 11 james bond filminde yer aldı.Bu filmlerde M rolünün sekreteri Bayan Monnypenny yardımcılığını üstlendi.Bu rollerde M, MI6 Haberalma Teşkilatının başıdır. Bernard Lee 'nin 11 james bond filmi; * Dr. No (1962) * From Russia with Love (1963) * Goldfinger (1964) * Thunderball (1965) * You Only Live Twice (1967) * On Her Majesty's Secret Service (1969) * Diamonds Are Forever (1971) * Live and Let Die (1973) * The Man with the Golden Gun (1974) * The Spy Who Loved Me (1977) * Moonraker (1979)

Diğer filmleri

* The Main Event (1934) * The River House Mystery (1935) * Rhodes of Africa (1936) * The Black Tulip (1937) * The Terror (1938) * Murder in Soho (1939) * The Frozen Limits (1939) * Let George Do It! (1940) * Spare a Copper (1941) * Once a Crook (1941) * The New Lot (1943) * This Man is Mine (1946) * The Courtneys of Curzon Street (1947) * Dusty Bates (1947) * Quartet (1948) * The Fallen Idol (1948) * Elizabeth of Ladymead (1948) * The Third Man (1949) * The Blue Lamp (1950) * Morning Departure (1950) * Last Holiday (1950) * Odette (1950) * Cage of Gold (1950) * The Adventurers (1951) * White Corridors (1951) * Calling Bulldog Drummond (1951) * Appointment with Venus (1951) * Mr. Denning Drives North (1952) * Gift Horse (1952) * The Yellow Balloon (1953) * Single-Handed (1953) * Beat the Devil (1953) * The Rainbow Jacket (1954) * Father Brown (1954) * Seagulls Over Sorrento (1954) * The Purple Plain (1954) * Out of the Clouds (1955) * The Ship That Died of Shame (1955) * The Battle of the River Plate (1956) * The Spanish Gardener (1956) * Fire Down Below (1957) * Across the Bridge (1957) * High Flight (1957) * Dunkirk (1958) * The Key (1958) * The Man Upstairs (1958) * Nowhere to Go (1958) * Danger Within (1959) * Beyond This Place (1959) * Web of Evidence (1959) * Kidnapped (1960) * The Angry Silence (1960) * Cone of Silence (1960) * Fury at Smugglers' Bay (1961) * The Secret Partner (1961) * Whistle Down the Wind (1961) * The Brain (1962) * The L-Shaped Room (1962) * Two Left Feet (1963) * A Place to Go (1963) * Ring of Spies (1964) * Saturday Night Out (1964) * The Spy Who Came in from the Cold (1965) * Dr. Terror's House of Horrors (1965) * The Amorous Adventures of Moll Flanders (1965) * OK Connery (1967) (Bond parody) * Journey to Midnight (1968) * Crossplot (1969) * Danger Point (1971) * The Raging Moon (1971) * Dulcima (1971) * Percy's Progress (1974) * From Hong Kong with Love (1975)

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