Charlie Pace

Kısaca: Charlie Hieronymus Pace, ABD'de ABC kanalında yayınlanan Lost dizisinin kurgusal karakterlerinden biridir ve karakteri Dominic Monaghan canlandırmaktadır. ...devamı ☟

Charlie Pace
Charlie Pace

Lost karakteri | Başlık=Charlie Pace | Resim=Dominic Monaghan Charlie Pace rolünde | ilk görünüş = "Pilot, Part 1" | son görünüş = | Flashbackleri= W:MOS - Episodes are not in italics -->"Pilot, Part 2"
"The Moth"
"Exodus, Part 2"
"Fire + Water"
"Greatest Hits" | Ad=Charlie Hieronymus Pace | Yaş= | Durum= | Meslek= Müzisyen | Canlandıran = Dominic Monaghan

Charlie Hieronymus Pace, ABD`de ABC kanalında yayınlanan Lost dizisinin kurgusal karakterlerinden biridir ve karakteri Dominic Monaghan canlandırmaktadır.


Kurgusal Karakter Biyografisi

Kazadan Önce

Charlie İngiltere, Manchester`lı bir müzisyendir. Dizinin "Flashes Before Your Eyes" isimli bölümünde, adaya düşmeden çok önce sokaklarda gitarıyla "Wonderwall" isimli şarkıyı söylerken Desmond ile karşılaştığını görüyoruz.

Daha sonra kardeşi Liam ile beraber kurdukları rock grubunun (DriveSHAFT) bas gitaristi ve şarkı sözü yazarı oluyor. Charlie ilk başlarda DriveSHAFT`ın başarısını artırma konusunda kararsız görünüyor fakat kardeşi Liam`ın ona grubun temeli olduğunu açıklaması üzerine tamamen ikna oluyor. DriveSHAFT`ın ünü giderek artıyor ve Charlie kontrolü ele almakta olan kişinin Liam olduğunun ve Liam`ın kendisini uyuşturucu kullanarak tükettiğinin farkına varıyor. Bir konser öncesinde Charlie Liam`la bunu konuşmaya çalıştığında Liam Charlie`ye grubun kendisi olduğunu haykırıyor. Soyunma odasında yalnız kalan ve morali çok bozulan Charlie, Liam`ın uyuşturucularından kullanıyor. (Filmde eroin yerine şeker kullanılmıştır)

DriveSHAFT`s success eventually fades and the band is reduced to incorporating its hit song, "You All Everybody," for a diaper commercial. Charlie begins writing new songs in an effort to have the band make a comeback. However, he comes home one day to find that his piano is missing. Liam tells Charlie that he sold it to buy a plane ticket to Sydney, where Liam`s daughter and her mother have moved, and where he intends to enroll in a rehab clinic (“Fire + Water”).

With the band gone, Charlie resorts to theft to support his heroin addiction. He romances a wealthy woman named Lucy in an attempt to rob her, but develops sincere feelings for her. Her father gets him a job selling copiers. Their relationship fails when Lucy discovers Charlie`s original intentions (“Homecoming”). Charlie finds an opportunity for DriveSHAFT to embark on an eight-week tour opening for another band, and flies to Australia to convince Liam to join the band`s reunion. Liam, now married, clean, and settled down, refuses to return to a rock-star lifestyle. Liam tries to get Charlie to remain in Sydney and enter a drug treatment program, but Charlie angrily storms off (“The Moth”).

In "Part 2", Charlie wakes up in a hotel room, with another woman in bed with him. Trying not to wake her, he frantically searches through the massive pile of clothes and garbage for his heroin stash. Just before he leaves, the woman wakes up and catches him trying to leave with the heroin. The two struggle, and eventually she storms out of the room, leaving Charlie with the heroin. Charlie, in a hurry, catches the elevator, but is delayed when Hurley tries to enter, only to find it completely full. In Part 2", whilst on board the airplane, Charlie desperately needs a fix, bringing himself to the attention of the crew. To avoid being caught, Charlie races to the front of the plane, pushing past Jack and Rose, and into the toilets, where he does some heroin just before turbulence hits. -->

Kazadan Sonra

Charlie`yi kazadan sonraki ilk günlerde iyi ve kibar bir tutum içinde görüyoruz. Pek çok kurtarma aktivitesine katılıyor, dışlanmaktan kaçınıyor ve yararlı olmaya çalışıyor. Diğer kurtulanlarla kendi şöhretini hatırlatacak konularda konuşmaya çalışıyor. "Pilot" isimli bölümde, Charlie telsiz bulmaya çalışma işinde Jack ve Kate`e eşlik ediyor. Uçak enkazındalarken, uçuş sırasında tuvalete sakladığı eroinlerini bularak yanına alıyor, böylece uyuşturucu kullanımına adada da devam edebiliyor.

"House of The Rising Sun" isimli bölümde Locke Charlie`nin bağımlılığını farkediyor ve onu bağımlılıktan kurtulması için ikna etmeye çalışıyor. "The Moth" isimli bölümde Charlie uyuşturucu kullanmamanın ıstırabına dayanamayarak Locke`dan eroinini geri istiyor. Locke Charlie`ye eğer üç kez isterse üçüncüde eroinini geri vereceğini söylüyor. Jack mağaralarda kayalar arasında sıkışıp kaldığında Charlie onu kurtarmanın bir yolunu buluyor ve kendine güveni geliyor. Locke`dan eroini 3. defa daha istiyor, Locke istemeye istemeye eroinleri verdiğinde Charlie onları hemen ateşe atıp yakıyor.

"Confidence Man" isimli bölümde Charlie`nin Claire`e düşkünlüğü ortaya çıkıyor ve onu mağaralara taşınmaya ikna ediyor. "All the Best Cowboys Have Daddy Issues" isimli bölümde ikisi Ethan tarafından kaçırıldığında Charlie ölümden dönüyor. "Homecoming" isimli bölümde Claire sonradan kampa döndüğünde Ethan Claire`i vermezlerse her gün içlerinden birini öldürmekle tehdit ediyor. Ethan`ı yakalamak için plan yapıp onu tuzağa düşürdüklerinde Charlie Ethan`ı vurarak öldürüyor.

Claire doğum yapıp Aaron dünyaya geldiğinde Charlie ikisine bakma konusunda sorumluluk hisseder hale geliyor. "Exodus" isimli bölümde Rousseaue tarafından kaçırılan Aaron`u bulmak için Sayid`le beraber onun izini sürerek sonunda çocuğu geri alıyor. Takip esnasında uyuşturucularla dolu olan uçağın yanına geldiklerinde Sayid heykelciklerin içinde eroin olduğunu söylüyor ve yeniden aklı uyuşturucuya kayan Charlie bunlardan alıyor, daha sonra bir tanesini Charlie`nin çantasında görüyoruz.Çok sevilen bir karakter olmasına rağmen 3.sezonun final bölümünde boğularak ölüyor.

When the food stores of the hatch are distributed to the survivors, Charlie relishes the opportunity to provide Claire the peanut butter she craves (“Everybody Hates Hugo”). When Claire discovers Charlie`s Virgin Mary statue, he explains that he found it in the jungle but does not mention the heroin. Charlie`s deception is revealed after Claire tells Locke and later Eko about the statue. Charlie insists that he is not using the heroin but Claire tells him to leave and stay away from her (“The 23rd Psalm”).

In “Fire + Water,” Locke discovers a cache of Virgin Mary statues that Charlie has hidden in the jungle and confiscates them. Charlie has a series of dreams leading him to believe that Aaron is in danger. He talks to Eko, who suggests that Aaron may need to be baptized. Charlie has another dream and wakes to find that he is at the water`s edge holding Aaron. Claire reclaims her child, slaps Charlie, and angrily returns to camp. That evening Charlie starts a fire as a distraction, steals Aaron, and runs to the ocean. When Charlie is discovered he explains that he is trying to baptize the baby like Eko said, but a disturbed Eko replies "This is not the way". Charlie finally hands Aaron to Locke, who, after returning Aaron to Claire, beats Charlie in the face, all the way to the ground. (And leaving a large gash in his cheek) Charlie is utterly dejected, seeing his credibility damaged and his place in Claire`s life replaced by Locke.

In “The Long Con,” Charlie fakes an attempt by The Others to abduct Sun as part of an elaborate scheme concocted by Sawyer to steal the guns from the hatch. Sawyer offers Charlie one of the Virgin Mary statues as payment, but Charlie refuses, saying that he doesn`t want the drugs and only cooperated with Sawyer to humiliate Locke and make him look and feel "Like a fool". Charlie later confesses to this crime.

Charlie joins Sayid and Ana Lucia in the search for Henry Gale`s balloon (“The Whole Truth”). Charlie develops a bond with Eko based on their mutual religious beliefs and assists him with a project to build a church (“Dave”). He attempts to mend his relationship with Claire by giving her a vaccine from the hatch so Aaron can be inoculated. When Eko abandons construction of the church, Charlie continues alone (with poor results). Vincent the dog leads Charlie to Sawyer`s stash of supplies. Charlie removes all the remaining Virgin Mary statues from the stash and hurls them into the ocean, finally freeing himself from his addiction`s temptation (while Locke watches from a distance). (“Three Minutes”).

In "Live Together, Die Alone", Charlie agrees to help Eko reenter the hatch after being locked out by Locke and Desmond. Charlie provides Eko with dynamite but becomes worried as he watches Eko arrange the dynamite beside the hatch`s blast door and light the fuse. The explosion throws Charlie back and leaves a ringing in his ears. Charlie struggles to help an injured Eko leave the hatch amid the system failure of the hatch computer, but eventually escapes alone. He returns to camp unaware of the fates of the others in the hatch; his hearing apparently damaged. It is unknown if this is permanent or merely temporary. As night falls, Charlie and Claire rekindle their relationship and kiss.

In "Further Instructions", Charlie`s hearing is back to normal after a day. Locke returns to camp unable to speak. He asks Charlie to stand guard while he speaks to the island in a sweat lodge. Charlie makes many sarcastic suggestions, including saying he heard the trees are wonderful conversationalists (a similar statement was made by Merry, also played by Monaghan, in The Two Towers}, and initially refused because he still harbors a grudge against Locke because of the beating he received after abducting Aaron. Still, Charlie decides to wait outside the sweat lodge, which Locke emerges from in a panic. Able to speak again, he says that he has to save Eko. Charlie joins him in his quest because he also wants to help Eko, despite Locke`s objections.

The two discover Hurley in the jungle and learn about the fate of Jack, Kate, and Sawyer. Charlie also discovers that the hatch imploded after the fail-safe was activated, leaving a large crater. They also discover a cave, which Locke believes houses a polar bear that has Eko. Charlie waits outside while Locke enters the cave. Eko is indeed inside, and Charlie and Locke carry an injured and unconscious Eko back to camp. When Charlie fetches some water, he returns to see Locke talking to Eko, claiming that Eko woke up and talked to him. Charlie does not believe him. It seems that Charlie and Locke are no longer at odds after this journey together. He soon interrupts Desmond`s attempt of convincing Claire to leave her tent for the day. He is later spared from lightning, along with Claire and Aaron, thanks to Desmond`s lightning rod.

Later, Charlie and Hurley are asked to follow Desmond into the jungle where they are informed by Locke of Eko`s demise. Suddenly Desmond runs to the beach where he saves Claire from drowning, and Hurley tells Charlie of Desmond`s precognitive abilities. Charlie resolves to extract this information from Desmond and after a night of drinking and a somewhat violent confrontation Desmond reveals that it was Charlie`s life that was being saved as in Desmond`s premonition Charlie was killed by the lightning and then drowned while trying to save Claire. Desmond informs Charlie that he can`t stop Charlie`s eventual death because "the universe has a way of course-correcting".

Charlie soon develops a sense of depression the next day, in "Tricia Tanaka Is Dead". He is confronted by Hurley, who convinces him to talk about Desmond`s prediction. While they are talking, they notice Vincent with a skeleton`s arm in his mouth. Hurley offers Charlie to join him, to which he declines and remains on the beach. During this time, he asks Desmond to tell him how he will die, but Desmond responds that it isn`t as simple as that. Hurley returns soon after, telling everyone about the discovery of a van. He asks for help, and tells Charlie that he could do with some excitement to lift his spirits. Charlie declines again, as does everyone else (except Jin). Charlie is sat on the beach when he is confronted a third time by Hurley. Charlie snaps out of his depression and follows him to the van, where Jin and Sawyer are drinking still. He and Hurley sit in the van while the other two push it down a hill, bearing jaggered rocks at the bottom. At the last second, Hurley manages to get the van working, and narrowly evades the rocks. After this, the four of them engage in a session of joy-riding before returning to camp with renewed hope. Charlie`s mood is lightened, and is shown when he returns home to Claire on the beach.

The next day, in "Par Avion", Charlie is still in good spirits, and is shown via surprising Claire by taking care of Aaron, and also by holding a special picnic for her. However, this kind gesture is interrupted when Desmond arrives, saying that Charlie would benefit more by hunting with him instead. When Claire begins telling everyone of her idea that could have everyone rescued, Charlie surprisingly rejects her idea, and soon leaves with Desmond. Soon after Desmond thwarts Claire`s attempts of catching a bird, he is confronted by her, knowing that Charlie is somehow involved with Desmond`s antics. Unsure whether to tell her about Desmond`s vision, Charlie tells her that her idea is crazy, and doesn`t want to bring about more false hope. Later, Charlie argues with Desmond, which stirs curiosity in Claire. She later confronts Charlie, after learning of his eventual death on the island, and asks him to release the bird with her, to which he agrees.

In "Exposí©", Charlie, along with Sawyer, Hurley and Sun, attempt to unravel the mystery behind Nikki`s and Paulo`s seemingly unknown "death" after Nikki is found lying motionless on the beach. As none of the survivors know much about these two, Charlie and Hurley investigate Arzt`s collection of insects, where they find a script for the television show ``Exposí©``, discovering Nikki`s former profession and full name. Later, after the graves of Nikki and Paulo are dug, Sun says that she suspects the Others are responsible. When they are alone, Charlie confesses to Sun that he is responsible for her attempted kidnapping, explaining that Sawyer persuaded him to, in order to retrieve all the guns and medicine. Upset and distraught, Sun walks away in silence. The next day, in "Left Behind", Charlie tastes some of the meat from the boar that Sawyer and Desmond caught earlier that morning. When questioned by Sawyer, Charlie is clueless about the vote of banishment he was told about, revealing it to be a trick played by Hurley.



DriveSHAFT dizideki kurgusal bir rock grubudur, Charlie ve kardeşi Liam Pace`in grubudur, gerçek hayattaki Oasis grubu ile benzerlik gösterir şekilde kurgulanmıştır. Grup "You All Everybody" isimli parçasıyla büyük bir çıkış yapmış ve İngiltere ve Amerika`da çok tutulmuştur. İki kardeş arasında uyuşturucu yüzünden bir gerginlik yaşanmaya başlamış ve sonunda yolları ayrılmıştır. Boş geçen bir süreden sonra Charlie grubu yeniden toplayıp 8 haftalık bir turne düzenlenmesi işini ayarlamıştır. Fakat maalesef Liam artık yeni kurduğu ailesiyle beraber Avustralya`da yaşamaktadır. Charlie onu görmeye gider, Liam`ı "DriveSHAFT`ı sensiz kabul etmiyorlar" diyerek tura katılmaya ikna etmeye çalışır. Liam`ın kabul etmemesi üzerine sinirlenerek Los Angeles`a giden uçağı yakalayıp tura Liam`sız başlamak üzere yola koyulur.

"Everybody Hates Hugo" isimli bölümde Hurley Charlie`ye DriveSHAFT`ın harika bir grup olduğunu düşündüğünü söyler.

"Flashes Before Your Eyes" isimli bölümde Charlie`nin sokakta söylediği Wonderwall isimli şarkı Oasis grubuna aittir.

J.J. Abrams`ın başka bir dizisi olan, yine ABC kanalında yayınlanan Alias isimli dizide ana karakter olan Sydney Bristow`un partisinde arka planda "You All Everybody" şarkısının çaldığı duyulur.

İlginç Bilgiler

Unreferenced|date=March 2007
  • İlk başta Charlie 41 yaşında eski ve artık gözden düşmüş bir rock yıldızı olarak düşünülmüştü, fakat oyuncuları seçen ekip tarafından Sawyer için yapılan denemelerde beğenilerek ona şimdiki Charlie rolü verildi.
  • Charlie`nin (gerçek hayatta Dominic Monaghan`ın) sol kolunda "Living is easy with eyes closed." (Gözler kapalıyken yaşamak kolaydır.) yazılı bir dövme bulunuyor. Bu, Beatles`ın "Strawberry Fields Forever" isimli şarkısının sözlerinden bir parça. Aynı zamanda sağ kolunda da elf harfleriyle 9 yazan bir dövme bulunuyor, bunu da Yüzüklerin Efendisi üçlemesindeki rolü sırasında yaptırmış.







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