

1. anlamı çocuk. küçük. velet. evlat. ürün.
2. anlamı çocuk. deneyimsiz. toy. çaylak. ürün. sonuç.
3. anlamı alt. çocuk. bebek. yavru. kız veya erkek evlat. çocuksu kimse.


Child İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Child anlamları

  1. (noun) A young person of either sex. esp. one between infancy and youth; hence, one who exhibits the characteristics of a very young person, as innocence, obedience, trustfulness, limited understanding, etc.
  2. (v. i.) To give birth; to produce young.
  3. (noun) A noble youth. See Childe.
  4. (noun) A descendant, however remote; -- used esp. in the plural; as, the children of Israel; the children of Edom.
  5. (noun) A female infant.
  6. (noun) One who, by character of practice, shows signs of relationship to, or of the influence of, another; one closely connected with a place, occupation, character, etc.; as, a child of God; a child of the devil; a child of disobedience; a child of toil; a child of the people.
  7. (noun) A son or a daughter; a male or female descendant, in the first degree; the immediate progeny of human parents; -- in law, legitimate offspring. Used also of animals and plants.
Kelime: child
Söyleniş: chI(&)ld
İşlev: noun
Türleri: plural chil·dren /chil-dr&n, -d&rn/
Usage: often attributive
Kökeni: Middle English, from Old English cild; akin to Gothic kilthei womb, and perhaps to Sanskrit jathara belly
Tarih: before 12th century
1 a : an unborn or recently born person b dialect : a female infant2 a : a young person especially between infancy and youth b : a childlike or childish person c : a person not yet of age3 usually childe /chI(&)ld/ archaic : a youth of noble birth4 a : a son or daughter of human parents b : DESCENDANT5 : one strongly influenced by another or by a place or state of affairs6 : PRODUCT, RESULT barbed wire... is truly a child of the plains -- W. P. Webb - child·less /chI(&)l(d)-l&s/ adjective- child·less·ness noun- with child : PREGNANT

1. A son or a daughter; a male or female descendant, in the first degree; the immediate progeny of human parents; in law, legitimate offspring.2. Used also of animals and plants.3. A descendant, however remote; used esp. in the plural; as, the children of Israel; the children of Edom.4. One who, by character of practice, shows signs of relationship to, or of the influence of, another; one closely connected with a place, occupation, character, etc.; as, a child of God; a child of the devil; a child of disobedience; a child of toil; a child of the people.5. A noble youth.6. See Childe.7. A young person of either sex. esp. one between infancy and youth; hence, one who exhibits the characteristics of a very young person, as innocence, obedience, trustfulness, limited understanding, etc.8. A female infant.9. To give birth; to produce young. a young person of either sex; "she writes books for children"; "they're just kids"; "`tiddler' is a British term for youngsters" a human offspring of any age; "they had three children"; "they were able to send their kids to college" an immature childish person; "he remained a child in practical matters as long as he lived"; "stop being a baby!" a member of a clan or tribe; "the children of Israel".10. a young person of either sex; "she writes books for children"; "they're just kids"; "`tiddler' is a British term for youngsters". . a human offspring of any age; "they had three children"; "they were able to send their kids to college". . an immature childish person; "he remained a child in practical matters as long as he lived"; "stop being a baby!". . a member of a clan or tribe; "the children of Israel".11. A relationship that holds between objects If "A" and "B" are objects, then B is a child of A provided that when B was created, A was specified as being its parent , or B was made a child of A by using the NhlChangeWorkstation function If B is a child of A, then the following conditions apply:.12. Generally, an unmarried person under 21 years of age who is: a child born in wedlock; a stepchild, provided that the child was under 18 years of age at the time that the marriage creating the stepchild relationship occurred; a legitimated child, provided that the child was legitimated while in the legal custody of the legitimating parent; a child born out of wedlock, when a benefit is sought on the basis of its relationship with its mother, or to its father if the father has or had a bona fide relationship with the child; a child adopted while under 16 years of age who has resided since adoption in the legal custody of the adopting parents for at least 2 years; or an orphan, under 16 years of age, who has been adopted abroad by a U S citizen or has an immediate-relative visa petition submitted in his/her behalf and is coming to the United States for adoption by a U S citizen .13. A natural child, adoptive child, foster child, or stepchild .14. A child is an immediate descendant node of a node .15. Includes a son or daughter by birth, a stepchild, or adopted child of the householder, regardless of the child’s age or marital status Unlike the 1990 and 2000 decennial censuses, the American Community Survey does not distinguish between natural-born nor adopted and stepchildren The category excludes sons-in-law, daughters-in-law, and foster children .16. Son or daughter: a biological, adopted or foster child, stepchild or legal ward under the age of 18 or "incapable of self-care" due to a disability .17. This is something that has a parent . . means a natural child, stepchild, legally adopted child, or legal ward of the Agreement Holder or his/her Spouse, who is under the age of 21, single and financially dependent on the Agreement Holder or his/her Spouse There is no age restriction with respect to a physically or mentally handicapped child, if such condition existed prior to the age of 21 . . means an unmarried child and includes in relation to an insured person an adopted child, a step-child and illegitimate child .18. A component, raw material or other item used in the production of the next-level assembly item .19. One individual produced as a result of the operation of the Genetic Algorithm .20. An element may have zero or more children Children are completely contained within the content of the element and can be of the following types:. . find: state education agency and local education agency procedures for locating children with disabilities who are not receiving special education services , or who are not receiving the appropriate services .21. A Message Server entry that belongs to another entry: for example, a message is a child of its folder . . An Object which is contained by another Object If a Parent has more than one Child, the Children are called Siblings The state of being a Child "A Button is Child to the Window that contains it ".22. The child of a transaction is a direct descendant of that transaction It is a transaction that was directly spawned by the parent transaction In the following figure, init, byte0, byte1, byte2, and byte3 are child transactions of the burst_read transaction Compare with descendant .23. A segment located below another segment in a hierarchical tree; each lower segment is a child of the directly connected segment above it See also parent .24. A frame that references another its parent frame With regard to views, a child view is enclosed by its parent view See also Parent Source: NPG.25. An unmarried blind or disabled person who is not the head of a household and who is either under age 18 or aged 18-21 and a student .26. An element contained by a given compound element . . n Of or in the womb "A young person before the age of adolescence .27. A sponsor's currently unmarried legitimate child; adopted child, legitimate stepchild, or illegitimate child .28. A lower-level element in a hierarchical structure such as the requirements list or the Work Breakdown Structure .29. Offspring, inheritee, extender The opposite of a parent .30. A supervised process See also permanent, transient, temporary child .

Child ile eşanlamlı (synonym) kelimeler

Baby, Fry, Kid, Minor, Nestling, Nipper, Shaver, Tike, Tyke, Youngster,

Child ile zıt (antonym) anlamlı kelimeler



İngilizce Child kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
s. bambino, fanciullo, ragazzo; figlio; discendente; (fig) prodotto, risultato, esito; frutto


İngilizce Child kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
zn. kind


İngilizce Child kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
n. Kind


İngilizce Child kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
s. chico, bambino, chiquillo, criatura, crío, hijo, impúber, impúbero, niño, párvulo, pequeño, pequeñuelo; hija


İngilizce Child kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
n. enfant


i. çocuk, küçük, velet, evlat, ürün


n. young person


İngilizce Child kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
s. criança

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