
Kısaca: Olimpos'un Sönmeyen Ateşi: Yanartaş, Antalya'nın Kemer ilçesi Çıralı köyü yakınlarında küçük, tarihi ve turistik önemi olan doğalgaz kaynağı. Denize yakın manzaralı bir konumda yer alır, taşlar arasından çıkan alevler turistlerin ilgisini çekmektedir. ...devamı ☟


Chimera ile ilgili bilgilerin yer aldığı sayfamız: Yanar taş


1. anlamı ([[isim]]). ağzından ateş püsküren mitolojik bir canavar; süsleme sanatında kullanılan canavar figürü; vehim, kuruntu, kabus.,rüya/canavar.
2. anlamı Yunan mitolojisinde aslan başlı. keçi bedenli ve yılan kuyruklu ejderha. umacı. hayal. gerçekleşmesi olanaksız fikir. umut. vb.


Chimera İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Chimera anlamları

  1. (noun) A vain, foolish, or incongruous fancy, or creature of the imagination; as, the chimera of an author.
  2. (noun) A monster represented as vomiting flames, and as having the head of a lion, the body of a goat, and the tail of a dragon.
Kelime: chi·me·ra
Söyleniş: kI-'mir-&, k&-
İşlev: noun
Kökeni: Latin chimaera, from Greek chimaira she-goat, chimera; akin to Old Norse gymbr yearling ewe, Greek cheimOn winter -- more at HIBERNATE
1 a capitalized : a fire-breathing she-monster in Greek mythology having a lion's head, a goat's body, and a serpent's tail b : an imaginary monster compounded of incongruous parts2 : an illusion or fabrication of the mind; especially : an unrealizable dream a fancy, a chimera in my brain, troubles me in my prayer -- John Donne 3 : an individual, organ, or part consisting of tissues of diverse genetic constitution

1. A monster represented as vomiting flames, and as having the head of a lion, the body of a goat, and the tail of a dragon.2. A vain, foolish, or incongruous fancy, or creature of the imagination; as, the chimera of an author. a grotesque product of the imagination fire-breathing she-monster with a lion's head and a goat's body and a serpent's tail; daughter of Typhon.3. fire-breathing she-monster with a lion's head and a goat's body and a serpent's tail; daughter of Typhon. . a grotesque product of the imagination. . 1 An animal formed from two different animals, that is from two different embryonic sources In mouse genetics, targeted mutations produced in embryonic stem cells are recovered by breeding chimeric mice resulting from the mixture of ES cells with a genetically-distinct blastocyst 2 A clone containing genomic DNA from nonadjacent genomic segments or cDNA from two different mRNAs .4. An organism that contains cells or tissues with a different genotype These can be mutated cells of the host organism or cells from a different organism or species . . 1 An animal formed from two different animals, that is from two different embryonic sources See also mosaic 2 A clone containing genomic DNA from nonadjacent genomic segments or cDNA from two different mRNAs .5. An individual mouse, or other mammal, that is derived from the fusion of two or more preimplantation embryos or an embryo and ES cells See Chimera in the MGI Glossary .6. An artificially joined sequence, created when two or more DNA are ligated together, typically in the cloning process These sequences confuse conventional EST clustering tools by grouping all sequences similar to the ligated pieces of the chimera producing the "large cluster problem", which cause difficulties for sequence assembly tools .7. An organism combining tissues derived from two or more genotypes . . – an individual containing cells of two or more different tissues .8. An animal made up of more than one different species .9. Imaginary beast or animal composed by putting different animals' parts together Most well known examples are the Sphinx and the Griffin . . [art] An unnatural combination of animal forms to produce a single design, as a lion with wings, etc .10. A terrible monster, thought to have been wiped out shortly after the Mage Wars Chimeras are horrible monsters that attack and kill anything that moves, and have the ability to neutralize all elemental magic Chimeras are the mortal enemy of dragons . . a creature from greek mythology that is said to have the head of a lion, the body of a goat and the tail of a dragon Often times it has multiple heads .11. A Virtual Data System for Representing, Querying, and Automating Data Derivation Project is part of GriPhyN .12. Originally a fabled and frightening monster whose features resembled the corresponding parts of many different animals Hence, an absurd or fantastic creature of the imagination; a frightful fancy; a visionary or impracticable idea .13. An individual containing cells of two or more different tissues .14. A monster of Greek invention with the head and body of a lion and the tail of a serpent A second head, that of a goat, grows out of one side of the body . . genetically distinct tissues growing adjacent to one another; from Greek mythology - a fire breathing monster with a lion's head, goat's body and serpent's tail.15. A WWW client for Unix-based computing systems Client a software program that interacts with server computers to access information on that server .

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