Chinook ile ilgili bilgilerin yer aldığı sayfamız: CH-47 Chinook
Kısaca: CH-47 Chinook Boeing firması tarafından üretilen,çift motorlu ve diğer helikopter türlerinden farklı olarak ardardına çift rotorlu ağır yük helikopteridir.Arka taraftaki motor hem kalkmayı hem de ilerlemeyi sağlamaktadır.Saatteki maksimum hızı 315 km/s'tir.Ana görevleri askeri birlik, topçu ünitesi, ve mühimmat taşımaktır.16 ülke tarafından en çok da Birleşik Devletler Ordusu (US Army) ve Kraliyet Hava Kuvvetleri (RAF) tarafından kullanılmaktadır.Yakın zamanda Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri'de bünyesin ...devamı ☟

Chinook Haritası
Chinook İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı
Chinook anlamları
- (noun) A jargon of words from various languages (the largest proportion of which is from that of the Chinooks) generally understood by all the Indian tribes of the northwestern territories of the United States.
- (noun) One of a tribe of North American Indians now living in the state of Washington, noted for the custom of flattening their skulls. Chinooks also called Flathead Indians.
- (noun) A warm westerly wind from the country of the Chinooks, sometimes experienced on the slope of the Rocky Mountains, in Montana and the adjacent territory.
Söyleniş: sh&-'nuk, ch&-, -'nük
İşlev: noun
Türleri: plural Chinook or Chinooks
Kökeni: Lower Chehalis (Salishan language of western Washington) cinúk, name of a Chinook village
Tarih: 1795
1 : a member of an American Indian people of the north shore of the Columbia River at its mouth2 : a Chinookan language of the Chinook and other nearby peoples3 often not capitalized a : a warm moist southwest wind of the coast from Oregon northward b : a warm dry wind that descends the eastern slopes of the Rocky Mountains4 not capitalized : CHINOOK SALMON
1. One of a tribe of North American Indians now living in the state of Washington, noted for the custom of flattening their skulls.2. Chinooks also called Flathead Indians.3. A warm westerly wind from the country of the Chinooks, sometimes experienced on the slope of the Rocky Mountains, in Montana and the adjacent territory.4. A jargon of words from various languages generally understood by all the Indian tribes of the northwestern territories of the United States. large Pacific salmon valued as food; adults die after spawning a member of an important North American Indian people who controlled the mouth of the Columbia river; they were organized into settlements rather than tribes a warm dry wind blowing down the eastern slopes of the Rockies.5. A type of foehn wind Refers to the warm downslope wind in the Rocky Mountains that may occur after an intense cold spell when the temperature could rise by 20°F to 40°F in a matter of minutes .6. A warm, dry wind experienced along the eastern side of the Rocky Mountains in the United States and Canada Most common in winter and spring, it can result in a rise in temperature of 20C in a quarter of an hour .7. A type of foehn wind Refers to the warm downslope wind in the Rocky Mountains that may occur after an intense cold spell when the temperatures may rise 20-40 degrees in a matter of minutes .8. Chinooks occur when a mountain range is exposed to a strong winds blowing at right angles, or near right angles to the direction of the mountain ridge Moist air is forced up the mountains bringing both cloud and precipitation to the windward side The descending air then becomes warmer and drier as it is forced down the leeward side of the mountains The relatively warm, dry gusty winds that occasionally occur to the leeward side of mountain ranges around the world are known by many names In Canada and the northern United States, they are referred to as Chinooks In the southern states, they are known as Santa Ana and in parts of Europe, foehn winds .9. A warm, dry wind that blows along the east slopes of the northern Rocky Mountains . . warm dry wind that blows downhill on the eastern side of the Rocky Mountains, North America . . the name given to the foehn in North America, especially used on the eastern side of the Rocky Mountains and Sierras . . a föhn wind near the Rocky Mountains .10. A type of foehn wind Refers to the warm downslope wind in the Rocky Mountains that may occur after an intense cold spell when the temperature could rise by 20 to 40 degrees Fahrenheit in a matter of minutes Also known as the Snow Eater .11. The name given to the descending, warm, dry wind on the eastern side of the Rocky Mountains The chinook generally blows from the southwest, but its direction may be modified by topography When it sets in after a spell of intense cold, the temperature may rise by 20°F to 40°F in 15 minutes due to replacement of a cold air mass with a much warmer air mass in minutes . . a warm, dry wind which mainly affects the foothills of the Rockies, it can raise temperatures 20 degrees within minutes . . A collective name for various American Indian tribes living on the Northwest coast at the time of the Lewis and Clark Expedition They lived in houses made of wooden planks Salmon fishing and hunting was their main subsistence pattern .12. Boeing CH47 Twin Rotor Transport Helicopter. . a warm dry wind blowing down the eastern slopes of the Rockies. . a member of an important North American Indian people who controlled the mouth of the Columbia river; they were organized into settlements rather than tribes. . pink or white flesh of large Pacific salmon. . a Penutian language spoken by the Chinook people. . large Pacific salmon valued as food; adults die after spawning.
İngilizce Chinook kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.[Chinook] s. chinuk, miembro de la tribu india del mismo nombre
İngilizce Chinook kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.[Chinook] n. Chinnok, originaire de chinnok (tribu indien)
İngilizce Chinook kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.[Chinook] n. Chinook, Angehöriger des Chinook-Indianerstammes
İngilizce Chinook kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.[Chinook] s. Chinook (membro di tribù indiana chinook)
İngilizce Chinook kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.[Chinook] s. Chinook, membro da tribo de mesmo nome (tribo indígena)
Almanca Chinook kelimesinin İngilizce karşılığı.n. member of the Chinook Indian tribe
İtalyanca Chinook kelimesinin İngilizce karşılığı.n. Chinook, member of the Chinook Indian tribe
İngilizce Chinook kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.[Chinook] zn. behorende bij Chinookstam (indiaanse stam)
[Chinook] n. member of the Chinook Indian triben. Chinook, member of the Chinook Indian tribe
n. Chinook, member of the Chinook Indian tribe
Almanca Chinook kelimesinin Türkçe karşılığı.sinuk
Chinook Resimleri

Çinuk dilleri
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