

1. anlamı ([[isim]]). boğan şey veya kimse; (k.dili). boyuna sımsıkı takılan gerdanlık; dik yaka.,yaka/kolye.
2. anlamı kadınların boyunlarını sımsıkı saran gerdanlık. dik yaka.


Choker İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Choker anlamları

  1. (noun) One who, or that which, chokes.
  2. (noun) A stiff wide cravat; a stock.
Kelime: chok·er
Söyleniş: 'chO-k&r
İşlev: noun
Tarih: circa 1552
1 : one that chokes2 : something (as a collar or necklace) worn closely about the throat or neck

1. One who, or that which, chokes.2. A stiff wide cravat; a stock. a high tight collar necklace that fits tightly around a woman's neck an unfortunate person who is unable to perform effectively because of nervous tension or agitation; "he could win if he wasn't a choker".3. A noose of wire rope hitched about a log by means of which logs are skidded overground . . > A necklace worn closely around the neck, typically 14 or 15 inches in length .4. Short length of flexible wire, rope, or chain used to attach logs to a winch line or directly to a tractor -Noose of wire rope for hauling a log -Short length of wire rope that forms a noose around the end of a log to be skidded and is attached to the skidding vehicle or to the butt rigging in a wire rope logging system . . a noose of wire rope used for skidding or yarding logs .5. A noose of wire rope used for skidding or yarding logs .6. A length of wire rope or chain with a loop or noose at one end used to secure trees or sections of trees for skidding .7. A length of wire rope or chain with a loop or noose at one end used to secure logs for skidding .8. A cable loop that is attached to a log during the yarding process .9. A necklace worn tight around the neck. . different style of breast collar Also called martingale .10. A short, close fitting necklace; like a collar .11. A short necklace worn high on the neck .12. A pearl necklace 16 inches long .13. A noose of wire rope used for skidding or yarding logs See highlead system . . means a wire rope or synthetic fiber rigging assembly used to attach a load to a hoisting device .14. A length of heavy wire slipped round a log to allow it to be dragged through bush country Choker races, with water obstacles, are held as novelty events in New Zealand, Canada and the USA . .  - A Sling .15. A traffic control device at an intersection or mid-block location, which extends from one or both sides of the street and which is designed to restrict traffic flow .16. Traditionally, a necklace from 16-18 inches in length In the modern usage of the term, a choker may be as short as 12 inches .17. Short wire rope sling used to form a slip noose around the object to be moved or lifted Endless Rope - Rope whose two ends are spliced together. . a noose of wire rope used for skidding or yarding logs See Highlead system . . someone who kills by strangling. . an unfortunate person who is unable to perform effectively because of nervous tension or agitation; "he could win if he wasn't a choker". . necklace that fits tightly around a woman's neck. . a high tight collar.

Choker ile eşanlamlı (synonym) kelimeler

Collar, Garroter, Neckband, Ruff, Ruffle, Strangler, Throttler,

3 yıl önce

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