

1. anlamı ([[isim]]). çalgı teli; his, duygu; (geom). kiriş; (müz). bir arada çalınan ahenkli birkaç çeşit nota, akort. dominant chord esas gamın beşinci notası olan akort; sol ile ahenkli akort. spinal chord. (bak). cord chord of an arc yay kirişi.,kiriş/akor/te.
2. anlamı tel. akor. kiriş.
3. anlamı çalgı teli. his. duygu. (geometri) kiriş. akort. bağlama. bağlama kirişi. akord akort. tel.


Chord İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Chord anlamları

  1. (noun) A cord. See Cord, n., 4.
  2. (v. i.) To accord; to harmonize together; as, this note chords with that.
  3. (noun) A combination of tones simultaneously performed, producing more or less perfect harmony, as, the common chord.
  4. (noun) The string of a musical instrument.
  5. (v. t.) To provide with musical chords or strings; to string; to tune.
  6. (noun) A right line uniting the extremities of the arc of a circle or curve.
  7. (noun) The upper or lower part of a truss, usually horizontal, resisting compression or tension.
Kelime: 1chord
Söyleniş: 'kord
İşlev: noun
Kökeni: alteration of Middle English cord, short for accord
Tarih: 1608
: three or more musical tones sounded simultaneously

1. The string of a musical instrument.2. A combination of tones simultaneously performed, producing more or less perfect harmony, as, the common chord.3. A right line uniting the extremities of the arc of a circle or curve.4. A cord.5. See Cord, n., 4.6. The upper or lower part of a truss, usually horizontal, resisting compression or tension.7. To provide with musical chords or strings; to string; to tune.8. To accord; to harmonize together; as, this note chords with that. a combination of three or more notes that blend harmoniously when sounded together a straight line connecting two points on a curve play chords on.9. a straight line connecting two points on a curve. . a combination of three or more notes that blend harmoniously when sounded together. . play chords on . . bring into consonance, harmony, or accord while making music or singing.10. A combination of three or more tones sounded simultaneously .11. Any combination of three or more notes sounded together . . two or more notes played simultaneously. . a group of three or more musical tones sounded together .12. A group of three or more notes played simultaneously .13. Three or more tones combined and sounded simultaneously.14. Two or more notes played simultaneously .15. A grouping of pitches played and heard simultaneously .16. Three or more different tones played together Click here to here some chords .17. Three or more notes sounded simultaneously .18. A set of notes, usually three or four, played simultaniously--usually containing a root, and other tones which have a tonal relationship to that root . . the kite measurement between the leading and trailing edges . . a combination of musical tones played simultaneously, as in: His symphony is entitled The Lost Chord .19. Three or more musical pitches sung or played together .20. A straight-line segment joining any two points on a curve or surface .21. In general, a straight line joining two points on a curve; often, chord is used to mean a straight line segment joining and included between two points on a circle;. . straight line joining the leading and trailing edges of an airfoil section.22. The sounding together of three or more tones . . n The longest dimension from the front to the back of a wing at any given point along the span .23. In aeronautics, a straight line intersecting that part of such a line between two points of intersection This is usually a datum line joining the leading and trailing edges of an airfoil . . simultaneous combination of at least three different pitches.24. The segment which joins two points on a circle .25. Distance between the leading and trailing edges of a wing or rotor blade. . meaningful combination of three or more tones. . – A group of notes that are all played at the same time .

Chord ile eşanlamlı (synonym) kelimeler



İngilizce Chord kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
s. acorde; cuerda; (en aeronaves) línea imaginaria directa que conecta entre el extremo delantero al trasero en el espacio aéreo


İngilizce Chord kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
n. corde (d'un arc, d'une harpe); accord; (en aéronautique, aviation) ligne droite imaginaire qui relie le bout dirigeant et le bout arrière du terrain aérien


İngilizce Chord kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
n. (Musik) Akkord, harmonischer Klang mehrerer Noten; (Geometrie) Linie zwischen zwei Punkte einer Kurve; (Flugzeuge) gedachte Linie zwischen beide Klingen eines Propellerflügels


İngilizce Chord kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
s. corda; (musica) accordo; (geometria) linea che unisce due punti su una curva; (edil.) catena; tasto; (aeron.) linea diritta immaginaria fra il bordo anteriore e quello posteriore di un'ala o di una pala di elica in un aereo


İngilizce Chord kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
s. (Música) acorder; (Geometria) corda; (Aviões) línha imaginária


i. kiriş, tel, akort; duygu, his; ton, nüans, kanat genişliği, bağlama kirişi


İngilizce Chord kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
zn. snaar; accoord; toonsnaar (muziekinstrument, geometrie); klank; accoord; (in vliegtuigen) denkbeeldige rechte lijn die het leidende en achterste gedeelte van luchtgebied


n. (Music) combination of harmonizing notes; (Geometry) line between two points on a curve; (Airplanes) imaginary straight line between the leading edge and the rear edge of a wing or propeller blade

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D tonuna kaydırılmıştır. Tekrar belirtildiği üzere; majör gam kalıpları ve aldıkları akorlar bu standartta oluşturulurlar. ^ "chord."

Akor, Minör, Müzik, Taslak, Major, Armonik