
Kısaca: Google Chrome, Google tarafından geliştirilen bir ağ tarayıcısıdır. Adını çizgesel (grafiksel) kullanıcı ara yüzünden almaktadır. ...devamı ☟


Chrome ile ilgili bilgilerin yer aldığı sayfamız: Google Chrome


1. anlamı ([[isim]]). krom. chrome green krom yeşili. chrome steel kromlu çelik.,krom.
2. anlamı krom.
3. anlamı kaplama krom. sarı renkte bir boya maddesi.


Chrome İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Chrome anlamları

  1. (noun) Same as Chromium.
  2. (noun) To treat with a solution of potassium bichromate, as in dyeing.
Kelime: 1chrome
Söyleniş: 'krOm
İşlev: noun
Kökeni: French, from Greek chrOma
Tarih: 1800
1 a : CHROMIUM b : a chromium pigment2 : something plated with an alloy of chromium

1. Same as Chromium.2. To treat with a solution of potassium bichromate, as in dyeing. another word for chromium when it is used in dyes or pigments treat with a chromium compound plate with chromium; "chrome bathroom fixtures".3. Strength of a color as compared to how close it seems to neutral gray Also called depth, intensity, purity and saturation .4. A color photographic transparency .5. Any card after 1939 with a shiny paper surface The term is derived from Kodachrome .6. Often confused with skin and theme The specific look and feel of a software's user interface Look refers to the overall appearance and colors, while feel refers to the functionality of elements such as buttons Also see skin and theme . . > A type of finish usually applied to parts of a camera It could be a matt or bright finish Generally, but not exclusively, found post 1945 Important on certain cameras, like Leica, which were often made in both chrome and black finishes .7. A color transparency, usually referred to as a slide .8. Strength of a colour as compared to how close it seems to neutral gray Also called depth, intensity, purity and saturation .9. A positive transparent photographic image, also known as a color transparency .10. High-quality positive color film, ordinarily shot by professionals .11. A color transparency with a positive photographic image . . a term to measure colour transparency or saturation.12. A positive film image . . n A mechanic or mechanics added to a game to support the theme or make it feel more realistic . . strong metal alloy used for making light weight dentures.13. A slang term meaning the color transparency used as the original copy .14. Manipulate Traffic Signals by Remote Control.15. A common term that describes the white markings of a horse .16. A shiny, hard gray white metal resistant to corrosion.17. Piece entirely realized with the golg/chrome color for the fill-in . . another word for chromium when it is used in dyes or pigments. . plate with chromium; "chrome bathroom fixtures". . treat with a chromium compound.

Chrome Resimleri

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