
Kısaca: "Church", R&B şarkıcısı T-Pain'in ikinci stüdyo albümü Epiphany'den çıkan üçüncü teklisidir. Video sürümünde parçanın sözleri değiştirilmiştir. ...devamı ☟


Church", R&B şarkıcısı T-Pain'in ikinci stüdyo albümü Epiphany'den çıkan üçüncü teklisidir. Video sürümünde parçanın sözleri değiştirilmiştir. Parçanın videosunu Bryan Barber yönetmiştir. 106 & Park'ta 22 Ekim 2007'de gösterilmiştir. Step Up 2 the Streets film müzikleri albümünün ilk teklisidir. "Church", Birleşik Krallık'ta albümün ilk teklisi olarak yayımlanmıştır. Ülke listesinde 35 numaraya çıkmıştır. Yeni Zelanda listesinde 10 numaraya çıkmıştır. Yeni Zelanda'da altın plak kazanmıştır.




1. anlamı ([[fiil]]). kiliseye getirmek; kilise disiplinine tabi tutmak; kilisede şükran duası etmek (bilhassa doğumdan sonra kadınlar).
2. anlamı kilise.
3. anlamı kilise. kilisede yapılan ayin. din adamlığı. dinsel güç. Hıristiyanlık âlemi. kiliseye gitmek. (doğumdan sonra kadınlar) kilisede şükran duası etmek.


Kelime: 1church
Söyleniş: ch&rch
İşlev: noun
Kökeni: Middle English chirche, from Old English cirice, ultimately from Late Greek kyriakon, from Greek, neuter of kyriakos of the lord, from kyrios lord, master; akin to Sanskrit sura hero, warrior
Tarih: before 12th century
1 : a building for public and especially Christian worship2 : the clergy or officialdom of a religious body3 : a body or organization of religious believers: as a : the whole body of Christians b : DENOMINATION c : CONGREGATION4 : a public divine worship goes to church every Sunday 5 : the clerical profession considered the church as a possible career

1. A building set apart for Christian worship.2. A Jewish or heathen temple.3. A formally organized body of Christian believers worshiping together.4. A body of Christian believers, holding the same creed, observing the same rites, and acknowledging the same ecclesiastical authority; a denomination; as, the Roman Catholic church; the Presbyterian church.5. The collective body of Christians.6. Any body of worshipers; as, the Jewish church; the church of Brahm.7. The aggregate of religious influences in a community; ecclesiastical influence, authority, etc.; as, to array the power of the church against some moral evil.8. To bless according to a prescribed form, or to unite with in publicly returning thanks in church, as after deliverance from the dangers of childbirth; as, the churching of women. a place for public worship; "the church was empty" one of the groups of Christians who have their own beliefs and forms of worship the body of people who attend or belong to a particular local church; "our church is hosting a picnic next week" perform a special church rite or service for; "church a woman after childbirth".9. one of the groups of Christians who have their own beliefs and forms of worship. . a place for public worship; "the church was empty". . a service conducted in a church; "don't be late for church". . the body of people who attend or belong to a particular local church; "our church is hosting a picnic next week". . perform a special church rite or service for; "church a woman after childbirth".10. The English word comes from the Greek word kurios, meaning, "master" or "lord " A form of this word, kuriakon, had the meaning of "…pertaining to, or belonging to the lord " Originally, the word referred to the building used by the Lord's people However, the French and other Romance languages get their word for church from the another Greek word - ekklesia - in French, eglise, which means an assembly of people We use both terms when speaking of the church; we speak of the building and of the people inside the building It is interesting to note that when the Bible speaks of the church, the word used is ekklesia The Bible's authors never thought of the church as a building When the word is capitalized, it usually refers to the universal, or catholic church .11. The English word comes from the Greek word kurios, meaning, "master" or "lord " A form of this word, kuriakon, had the meaning of " pertaining to, or belonging to the lord " Originally, the word referred to the building used by the Lord's people However, the French and other Romance languages get their word for church from the another Greek word - ekklesia - in French, eglise, which means an assembly of people We use both terms when speaking of the church; we speak of the building and of the people inside the building It is interesting to note that when the Bible speaks of the church, the word used is ekklesia The Bible's authors never thought of the church as a building When the word is capitalized, it usually refers to the universal, or catholic church . . The designation traditionally used for a specifically Christian assembly or body of people, and thus also the building or location in which the assembled people meet, and by extension also the specific organized sub-group within Christianity ; similar to synagogue and kahal in Judaism .12. Certain characteristics are generally attributed to churches These attributes of a church have been developed by the IRS and by court decisions They include: distinct legal existence; recognized creed and form of worship; definite and distinct ecclesiastical government; formal code of doctrine and discipline; distinct religious history; membership not associated with any other church or denomination; organization of ordained ministers; ordained ministers selected after completing prescribed courses of study; literature of its own; established places of worship; regular congregations; regular religious services; Sunday schools for the religious instruction of the young; schools for the preparation of its ministers Topic areas:Fundraising and Financial Sustainability, Governance, Accountability and Evaluation, Volunteer Management, Operations Management and Leadership. . a building for public Christian worship; a corporate name applied to all Christians. . "the distinctive people of God called by him through his mission and set aside for mission" ; "God's instrument for God's mission" .13. In the New Testament, the ekklesia In the Bible, this has no reference whatever to buildings or organizations but to the called-out assembly, the covenant people of God In the overwhelming number of cases, the church or ekklesia of both the Old and New Testaments is the visible covenant community in a particular locale or region Under the authority of elders , it unites on the first day of the week to hear the preaching of the Word, to receive the sacraments, and to preserve and perpetuate the Christian Faith The church is one aspect of the kingdom of God, but it is not the kingdom itself .14. This term has two basic meanings: its most universal meaning is that of the Community of the Believers in Jesus, which finds its fullness in the Catholic Communion In a more narrow, yet no less important sense, "church" also means a group of Catholics who are 1) *sui iuris, or otherwise known as a *"Particular Church," or self-governing , and 2), if also in communion with the See of Rome, is "Catholic ".15. All believers who confess Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord and who are united in one body with Christ as the head are called the church of Christ The word also refers to the local congregation of believers, or a denomination .16. G1577 ekklesia, ek-klay-see'-ah; from a comp of G1537 and a der of G2564; a calling out, i e a popular meeting, espec a religious congregation :--assembly, church . . 1) an assembly of Christian believers 2) All Christian believers everywhere .17. A religious organization devoted to the worship of one or more deities A church consists of a body of worshipers and a corresponding ecclesiastical hierarchy .18. A building, together with its accessory buildings and use; where persons regularly assemble for religious purposes and which building, together with its accessory buildings and uses, is maintained and controlled by a religious body organized to sustain religious ceremonies and purposes .19. Article 4-506 Institutional & Uses of Community Significance.20. The word is used in two senses: the visible and the invisible church The visible church consists of all the people that claim to be Christians and go to church The invisible church is the actual body of Christians; those who are truly saved The true church of God is not an organization on earth consisting of people and buildings, but is really a supernatural entity comprised of those who are saved by Jesus It spans the entire time of man's existence on earth as well as all people who are called into it We become members of the church by faith We are edified by the Word , disciplined by God , unified in Christ , and sanctified by the Spirit . . building used as a Christian place of worship.21. A house set apart for public worship .22. The Church is the collective entity that is linked to the one true Source of Reason, the LOGOS Jesus is at the head of the church which is also called the body of Christ The Church is the only divinely authorized collective entity All others are temporal . . A building which is used for worship The community of Christians .23. All Christians who are considered as one body .24. The word is used in two senses: the visible and the invisible church The visible church consists of all the people that claim to be Christians and go to church The invisible church is the actual body of Christians; those who are truly saved The true church of God is not an organization on earth consisting of people and buildings, but is really a supernatural entity comprised of those who are saved by Jesus It spans the entire time of man's existence on earth as well as all people who are called into it We become members of the church by faith We are edified by the Word , disciplined by God , unified in Christ , and sanctified by the Spirit . . , the-.25. There are several questions people ask in getting to know one and another, and one of the oddest is, "what church do you go to?" I mean, if you reply "Sweet Town Baptist Church", what does that say? Only the two other people in Sweet Town would be knowledgable of the name, so all that's left of interest is the religion So why not just ask, "What religion are you?" Well, since religions don't matter and we should all be one in Christ Jesus, then that question should be irrelevant as well, which really renders the whole "church" question meaningless!.26. A place to control without having to be accountable . . n gereja.


İngilizce Church kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
s. iglesia, casa de Dios, casa del Señor, catedral, templo
v. rezar


İngilizce Church kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
n. église
v. prier


İngilizce Church kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
n. Kirche
v. beten


İngilizce Church kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
s. chiesa; funzione, ufficio divino; ordini
v. condurre in chiesa; impartire la benedizione dopo il parto a


İngilizce Church kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
s. igreja
v. rezar, orar


i. kilise, hristiyanlıkla ilgili cemaat, hristiyan din adamları, kilise ayini, hristiyan toplumu, hristiyan alemi
s. kilise ile ilgili, kilise


İngilizce Church kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
zn. kerk
ww. kerk; bidden


n. building in which Christians meet to worship; public worship; members of a religious denomination; denomination; leaders of a religious body; organized religion
v. take to church; conduct a special service (in thanks for the safe delivery of a child)

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