
Kısaca: Cisco Systems, Amerikan kökenli çokuluslu şirkettir. 54,000 çalışanı vardır. Merkezi Kaliforniya`da San Jose`tadır. Cisco sözcüğünün kökeni San Francisco `dan gelir. Şirket ağ ürünleri üzerine yoğunlaşmıştır. Yönlendiriciler pazarında önemli bir paya sahiptir. ...devamı ☟

Cisco Haritası

Cisco Systems, Amerikan kökenli çokuluslu şirkettir. 54,000 çalışanı vardır. Merkezi Kaliforniya`da San Jose`tadır. Cisco sözcüğünün kökeni San Francisco `dan gelir. Şirket ağ ürünleri üzerine yoğunlaşmıştır. Yönlendiriciler pazarında önemli bir paya sahiptir.

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Main Entry: cis·co
Pronunciation: 'sis-(")kO
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural ciscoes
Etymology: short for Canadian French ciscoette
Date: 1848
: any of various whitefishes (genus Coregonus); especially : LAKE HERRING

1. The Lake herring , valuable food fish of the Great Lakes of North America.
2. The name is also applied to C.
3. Hoyi, a related species of Lake Michigan. important food fish of cold deep lakes of North America.
4. A vendor of routers, hubs and related products Their IPSEC products interoperate with Linux FreeS/WAN; see our compatibility document .
5. A major network equipment vendor, the name is derived from the city of San Francisco The company is best known for it's routers and general high quality software and hardware .
6. Manufacturer of network routing and switching equipment, used by GW.
7. Cisco Systems is a leading network solutions provider The term CISCO is normally used to refer to network equipment produced by Cisco or one of their certification schemes Relevant links: www cisco com.
8. A commonly-consumed wine in the early to mid 90's that is still around The alcohol content of Cisco ranges from about 13% to 19% depending upon the flavor . . company that makes modem hardware currently used by ITC's modem pool.
9. One of the leading manufacturers of network equipment Cisco's primary business is in Internet working products, such as routers, bridges, and switches Click-through Rate In web advertising, the click through rate is the number of clicks on an advertisement is expressed as a percentage of the number of times that the page where the ad appears was downloaded Thus, the click through rate would be 10% if one in ten people who viewed the advertisement clicked on it, and landed on the advertisers' site .
10. The leader in the routing and switching hardware sector The company's certification programs are arguably the most labor-intensive and difficult of the vendor-specific credentials .
11. A vendor of routers, hubs and related products Their IPsec products interoperate with Linux FreeS/WAN; see our interop section . . cold-water fish caught in Lake Superior and northward. . important food fish of cold deep lakes of North America.

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