


city (çoğulu citys)

1. anlamı: (yerleşim birimleri) kent, şehir


1. anlamı ([[isim]]). şehir, kent, büyük kasaba; şehir halkı. city block kesişen sokaklarla ayrılan arsa. cityreds şehirde büyümüş. city dump çöplük. city editor gazetede mahalli muhabirleri idare eden müdür. city father ehri yöneten kimse. city manager belediye bas.
2. anlamı kent. şehir.
3. anlamı şehir. kent. büyük kasaba. kent halkı.


Kelime: city
Söyleniş: si-tE
İşlev: noun
Türleri: plural cit·ies
Usage: often attributive
Kökeni: Middle English citie large or small town, from Old French cité, from Medieval Latin civitat-, civitas, from Latin, citizenship, state, city of Rome, from civis citizen -- more at HIND
Tarih: 13th century
1 a : an inhabited place of greater size, population, or importance than a town or village b : an incorporated British town usually of major size or importance having the status of an episcopal see c capitalized (1) : the financial district of London (2) : the influential financial interests of the British economy d : a usually large or important municipality in the U.S. governed under a charter granted by the state e : an incorporated municipal unit of the highest class in Canada2 : CITY-STATE3 : the people of a city4 slang -- used with a preceding adjective or noun naming an abundant or quintessential feature or quality the movie was shoot-out city

1. A large town.2. A corporate town; in the United States, a town or collective body of inhabitants, incorporated and governed by a mayor and aldermen or a city council consisting of a board of aldermen and a common council; in Great Britain, a town corporate, which is or has been the seat of a bishop, or the capital of his see.3. The collective body of citizens, or inhabitants of a city.4. Of or pertaining to a city. people living in a large densely populated municipality; "the city voted for Republicans in 1994" a large and densely populated urban area; may include several independent administrative districts; "Ancient Troy was a great city" an incorporated administrative district established by state charter; "the city raised the tax rate".5. a large and densely populated urban area; may include several independent administrative districts; "Ancient Troy was a great city". . an incorporated administrative district established by state charter; "the city raised the tax rate". . people living in a large densely populated municipality; "the city voted for Republicans in 1994".6. Name of the city where your company is located .7. State: -- Please Select -- Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Other Country:.8. Following certain words indicating a profoundness or a lot of the previous word "John Coltrane and Miles Davis were at the concert, man it was Jazz City!".9. Name of the city where the organization or program is located .10. The city in which the car was operating under the owner and car number listed . . important, or high-order, urban settlement In the past, a town in Britain needed either a cathedral or a royal charter before it could be called a city, but in modern-day usage a city is a settlement with a population of more than 150,000 Royal charters are still awarded . . from the Latin civitas meaning citizen, a town or borough which is, or has been, an episcopal see This definition is not strictly adhered to and there are many exceptions Some cities are so called because of their industrial/municipal importance.11. The city headquarters of the federal district .12. City where facility is located, as maintained by each data system The city may differ across EPA databases due to differences in reported information, use of parent or subsidiary location as mailing address, etc . . the city of the address . . , strictly speaking is a large town with a corporation and cathedral; but any large town is so called in ordinary speech In the Bible it means a town having walls and gates .13. A large city is represented on the map by a large white circle Most large cities are named . . is the acronym for the driving cycle "in the city" .14. City in which the main campus of the medical school is located; this may differ from the city in which the parent university.15. The city of patient's residence Clinical .16. The city and zip code of the property, if available . . design Seattle Department of Design, Construction and Land Use 700 5th Ave, Suite 2000 Seattle, WA 98104-5070 Contact citydesign. . has the meaning given it in section 102 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 .17. The words "the city" or "this city" shall be construed as if followed by the words "of Fairfield ".18. A large town, town with a corporation .19. An urban settlement that is central to various functions such as administrative, commercial and social roles It was originally the place of a bishopric/cathedral in medieval Europe .20. A differentiated community with a sufficient population and resource base to allow residents to specialize in arts, crafts, services, and professional occupations . . — City of Rockville. . — In government lists, local officials selectable by name, title, and demographic information about the city .21. A city, town, township, or village .


İngilizce City kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
s. ciudad, casco de población, metrópoli, municipalidad, poblado, urbe


İngilizce City kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
n. ville, zone urbaine


İngilizce City kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
n. Stadt


İngilizce City kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
s. città; (collett) cittadinanza, cittadini; (am) municipalità


İngilizce City kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
s. cidade


i. kent, şehir halkı, büyük kasaba, şehir
s. kent


Almanca City kelimesinin İngilizce karşılığı.
n. large urban area


Flemenkçe City kelimesinin İngilizce karşılığı.
n. city center


İngilizce City kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
zn. stad


n. large urban area
n. city, large urban area
n. city center


Almanca City kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
n. centro della città (m)


Almanca City kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
n. centro urbano (m)

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