

1. anlamı ([[isim]]). çan dili; alkışlayıcı şey veya kimse; (argo). dil.,alkışçı/dil/tokmak.
2. anlamı çan tokmağı.
3. anlamı çan dili. kaynana zırıltısı. şakşak. (argo) dil. el çırpıcı. alkışlayan. şakşak sesi çıkaran bir şey. çan tokmağı. tokmak.


Kelime: clap·per
Söyleniş: 'kla-p&r
İşlev: noun
Tarih: 14th century
: one that claps: as a : the tongue of a bell b : a mechanical device that makes noise especially by the banging of one part against another c : a person who applauds

1. A person who claps.2. That which strikes or claps, as the tongue of a bell, or the piece of wood that strikes a mill hopper, etc.3. See Illust. of Bell.4. A rabbit burrow. metal striker that hangs inside a bell and makes a sound by hitting the side someone who applauds.5. A tool consisting of two rectangular pieces of wood joined at one end by a leather hinge There is an aperture in one of the pieces of wood, and this holds the stem of a goblet or wineglass while it is being mad e The clapper is used to squeeze a blob of glass in order to form the foot .6. The metal rod which strikes the soundbow of the bell to make the sound Each time the bell stops moving ready to change direction, the clapper continues to move until it hits the bell .7. The iron bar or striker, usually pivoted in the crown of the bell, which hits the soundbow to ring the bell Usually has an enlarged portion called the ball which actually makes the impact .8. Also called the clapstick, the two sticks on the slate hit together to link the picture and the sound .9. A striking agent suspended inside a bell, consisting of a shaft with a solid metal sphere at the end .10. A tool consisting of two rectangular pieces of wood joined at one end by a leather hinge There is an aperture in one of the pieces of wood and this holds the stem of a goblet or wineglass while it is being made The clapper is used to squeeze a blob of glass in order to form the foot . . someone who applauds. . a mobile mass of muscular tissue covered with mucous membrane and located in the oral cavity. . metal striker that hangs inside a bell and makes a sound by hitting the side.