

1. anlamı sınıflar.


Kelime: 1class
Söyleniş: 'klas
İşlev: noun
Usage: often attributive
Kökeni: French classe, from Latin classis group called to military service, fleet, class; perhaps akin to Latin calare to call -- more at LOW
Tarih: 1602
1 a : a body of students meeting regularly to study the same subject b : the period during which such a body meets c : a course of instruction d : a body of students or alumni whose year of graduation is the same2 a : a group sharing the same economic or social status the working class b : social rank; especially : high social rank c : high quality : ELEGANCE3 : a group, set, or kind sharing common attributes: as a : a major category in biological taxonomy ranking above the order and below the phylum or division b : a collection of adjacent and discrete or continuous values of a random variable c : SET 214 : a division or rating based on grade or quality5 : the best of its kind the class of the league

1. Goods and Services are divided into different classes according to the NICE international classification system There are presently 34 classes of goods and 11 classes of services .2. An abstract representation of concepts in a domain as a collection of related classes For example, a medical model might have protocol, guidelines, and patient data as classes Classes appear as clouds in Protégé/Win as reminders of their abstract nature A class can have a set of slots that represent the attributes of the class . . a basic construct in object-oriented methods that categorizes elements of the problem.3. A category that generally describes a group of more specific items or objects .4. Puppy Classes are provided for Foster Families and their puppies to teach basic obedience and to offer support in the puppy-raising process Classes are held Monday evenings at the Milton Hershey School and Thursday mornings at the Hemlock Girl Scout Council building on Hale Avenue in Harrisburg . . teaching in small groups, generally 8 people and lasting for an hour Usually intercollegiate .5. Base descriptions of objects Technically, classes describe generic attributes and methods Objects are a specific instance of a class .6. There are 3 classes of delay pools - class 1 is a single aggregate bucket, class 2 is an aggregate bucket with an individual bucket for each host in the class C, and class 3 is an aggregate bucket, with a network bucket and an individual bucket for each host .7. A security class is a subset of the ICM configuration data Some classes support only Read access for all users For other classes, you can assign specific access levels to individual users or user groups ICM software supports the following classes: Call, Global, Network Interface, Peripheral, and System . . dictionary.

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