

1. anlamı temizlik.
2. anlamı saflık.


Kelime: 1clean
Söyleniş: 'klEn
İşlev: adjective
Kökeni: Middle English clene, from Old English cl[AE]ne; akin to Old High German kleini delicate, dainty
Tarih: before 12th century
1 a : free from dirt or pollution changed to clean clothes clean solar energy b : free from contamination or disease c : free or relatively free from radioactivity a clean atomic explosion 2 a : UNADULTERATED, PURE the clean thrill of one's first flight b of a precious stone : having no interior flaws visible c : free from growth that hinders tillage3 a : free from moral corruption or sinister connections of any kind a candidate with a clean record b : free from offensive treatment of sexual subjects and from the use of obscenity a clean joke c : observing the rules : FAIR a clean fight 4 : ceremonially or spiritually pure and all who are clean may eat flesh -- Leviticus 7:19 (Revised Standard Version) 5 a : THOROUGH, COMPLETE a clean break with the past b : deftly executed : SKILLFUL clean ballet technique c : hit beyond the reach of an opponent a clean single to center 6 a : relatively free from error or blemish : CLEAR; specifically : LEGIBLE clean copy b : UNENCUMBERED clean bill of sale 7 a : characterized by clarity and precision : TRIM a clean prose style architecture with clean almost austere lines b : EVEN, SMOOTH a clean edge a sharp blow causing a clean break c : free from impedances to smooth flow (as of water or air) a clean airplane a ship with a clean bottom 8 a : EMPTY the ship returned with a clean hold b : free from drug addiction c slang : having no contraband (as weapons or drugs) in one's possession9 : habitually neat- clean·ness /'klEn-n&s/ noun

1. The state or quality of being clean.2. Purity of life or language; freedom from licentious courses. without moral defects the state of being clean; without dirt or other impurities.3. the state of being clean; without dirt or other impurities. . without moral defects.