
Clear Haritası


1. anlamı ([[sıfat]]). açık, aydınlık vazıh; parlak, berrak; şeffaf, saydam; net; kati, kesin; masum, temiz; sakin; açık (arazi vb); hudutsuz; takıntısız. clear conscience vicdan rahatllğı. clear-cut ([[sıfat]]). keskin; açık ve seçik. clear evidence açık ve kesin ispatlayı.
2. anlamı açık. parlak. berrak. anlaşılır. net. belirgin. anlayışlı. kolayca kavrayan. emin. kararlı. suçsuz. belasız. engelsiz. tehlikesiz. boş. masum. temiz. arı. saf. lekesiz. ortada. aşikar. açıkça net bir şekilde. tamamen. uzağa. uzakta. dışarı. temizlemek. aç.
3. anlamı temizlemek. aydınlık. parlak. berrak. saydam. net. kesin. masum. temiz. sakin. kurtarmak. aydınlığa kavuşturmak. engeli aşmak. borcunu ödemek. temize çıkarmak. gümrükten çekmek. tahliye etmek. net kâr etmek. çek tahsil etmek. limana giriş veya çıkış izni.


Kelime: 1clear
Söyleniş: klir
İşlev: adjective
Kökeni: Middle English clere, from Old French cler, from Latin clarus clear, bright; akin to Latin calare to call -- more at LOW
Tarih: 13th century
1 a : BRIGHT, LUMINOUS b : CLOUDLESS; specifically : less than one-tenth covered a clear sky c : free from mist, haze, or dust a clear day d : UNTROUBLED, SERENE a clear gaze 2 : CLEAN, PURE: as a : free from blemishes b : easily seen through : TRANSPARENT c : free from abnormal sounds on auscultation3 a : easily heard b : easily visible : PLAIN c : free from obscurity or ambiguity : easily understood : UNMISTAKABLE4 a : capable of sharp discernment : KEEN b : free from doubt : SURE5 : free from guile or guilt : INNOCENT6 : unhampered by restriction or limitation: as a : unencumbered by debts or charges b : NET a clear profit c : UNQUALIFIED, ABSOLUTE d : free from obstruction e : emptied of contents or cargo f : free from entanglement g : BARE, DENUDED- clear·ness nounsynonyms CLEAR, TRANSPARENT, TRANSLUCENT, LIMPID mean capable of being seen through. CLEAR implies absence of cloudiness, haziness, or muddiness clear water . TRANSPARENT implies being so clear that objects can be seen distinctly a transparent sheet of film . TRANSLUCENT implies the passage of light but not a clear view of what lies beyond translucent frosted glass . LIMPID suggests the soft clearness of pure water her eyes were limpid pools of blue .synonyms CLEAR, PERSPICUOUS, LUCID mean quickly and easily understood. CLEAR implies freedom from obscurity, ambiguity, or undue complexity clear instructions . PERSPICUOUS applies to a style that is simple and elegant as well as clear a perspicuous style . LUCID suggests a clear logical coherence and evident order of arrangement a lucid explanation . synonym see in addition EVIDENT

1. Free from opaqueness; transparent; bright; light; luminous; unclouded.2. Free from ambiguity or indistinctness; lucid; perspicuous; plain; evident; manifest; indubitable.3. Able to perceive clearly; keen; acute; penetrating; discriminating; as, a clear intellect; a clear head.4. Not clouded with passion; serene; cheerful.5. Easily or distinctly heard; audible; canorous.6. Without mixture; entirely pure; as, clear sand.7. Without defect or blemish, such as freckles or knots; as, a clear complexion; clear lumber.8. Free from guilt or stain; unblemished.9. Without diminution; in full; net; as, clear profit.10. Free from impediment or obstruction; unobstructed; as, a clear view; to keep clear of debt.11. Free from embarrassment; detention, etc.12. Full extent; distance between extreme limits; especially; the distance between the nearest surfaces of two bodies, or the space between walls; as, a room ten feet square in the clear.13. In a clear manner; plainly.14. Without limitation; wholly; quite; entirely; as, to cut a piece clear off.15. To render bright, transparent, or undimmed; to free from clouds.16. To free from impurities; to clarify; to cleanse.17. To free from obscurity or ambiguity; to relive of perplexity; to make perspicuous.18. To render more quick or acute, as the understanding; to make perspicacious.19. To free from impediment or incumbrance, from defilement, or from anything injurious, useless, or offensive; as, to clear land of trees or brushwood, or from stones; to clear the sight or the voice; to clear one's self from debt; often used with of, off, away, or out.20. To free from the imputation of guilt; to justify, vindicate, or acquit; often used with from before the thing imputed.21. To leap or pass by, or over, without touching or failure; as, to clear a hedge; to clear a reef.22. To gain without deduction; to net.23. To become free from clouds or fog; to become fair; often followed by up, off, or away.24. To disengage one's self from incumbrances, distress, or entanglements; to become free.25. To make exchanges of checks and bills, and settle balances, as is done in a clearing house.26. To obtain a clearance; as, the steamer cleared for Liverpool to-day. the state of being free of suspicion; "investigation showed that he was in the clear" free by making a rasping sound; "Clear the throat" remove; "clear the leaves from the lawn"; "Clear snow from the road" make a way or path by removing objects; "Clear a path through the dense forest" remove the occupants of; "Clear the building" remove from a building; "clear the patrons from the theater after the bomb threat" rid of instructions or data; "clear a memory buffer" make clear, bright, light, or translucent; "The water had to be cleared through filtering" make free from confusion or ambiguity; make clear; "Could you clarify these remarks?"; "Clear up the question of who is at fault" settle, as of a debt; "clear a debt"; "solve an old debt" pass an inspection or receive authorization; "clear customs" pass by, over, or under without making contact; "the balloon cleared the tree tops" go away or disappear; "The fog cleared in the afternoon" sell; "We cleared a lot of the old model cars" be debited and credited to the proper bank accounts; "The check will clear within 2 business days" clear from impurities, blemishes, pollution, etc.; "clear the water before it can be drunk" free from payment of customs duties, as of a shipment; "Clear the ship and let it dock" of complexion; without such blemishes as e.g. acne; "the clear complexion of a healthy young woman" clear to the mind; "a clear and present danger"; "a clear explanation"; "a clear case of murder"; "a clear indication that she was angry"; "gave us a clear idea of human nature" free from cloudiness; allowing light to pass through; "clear water"; "clear plastic bags"; "clear glass"; "the air is clear and clean" free from confusion or doubt; "a complex problem requiring a clear head"; "not clear about what is expected of us" free from clouds or mist or haze; "on a clear day" characterized by ease and quickness in perceiving; "clear mind"; "a percipient author" clear and distinct to the senses; easily perceptible; "as clear as a whistle"; "clear footprints in the snow"; "the letter brought back a clear image of his grandfather"; "a spire clean-cut against the sky"; "a clear-cut pattern" free from any encumberance or limitation that presents a question of fact or law; "I have clear title to this property" easily deciphered clear of charges or deductions; "a clear profit" affording free passage or view; "a clear view"; "a clear path to victory" free from flaw or blemish or impurity; "a clear perfect diamond" characterized by freedom from troubling thoughts ; "a clear conscience"; "regarded her questioner with clear untroubled eyes" completely; "read the book clear to the end"; "slept clear through the night"; "there were open fields clear to the horizon".27. the state of being free of suspicion; "investigation showed that he was in the clear". . a clear or unobstructed space or expanse of land or water; "finally broke out of the forest into the open". . rid of obstructions; "Clear your desk". . make a way or path by removing objects; "Clear a path through the dense forest". . become clear; "The sky cleared after the storm". . grant authorization or clearance for; "Clear the manuscript for publication"; "The rock star never authorized this slanderous biography". . remove; "clear the leaves from the lawn"; "Clear snow from the road". . go unchallenged; be approved; "The bill cleared the House". . be debited and credited to the proper bank accounts; "The check will clear within 2 business days". . go away or disappear; "The fog cleared in the afternoon". . pass by, over, or under without making contact; "the balloon cleared the tree tops". . make free from confusion or ambiguity; make clear; "Could you clarify these remarks?"; "Clear up the question of who is at fault". . free from payment of customs duties, as of a shipment; "Clear the ship and let it dock". . clear from impurities, blemishes, pollution, etc ; "clear the water before it can be drunk". . yield as a net profit; "This sale netted me $1 million". . make as a net profit; "The company cleared $1 million". . earn on some commercial or business transaction; earn as salary or wages; "How much do you make a month in your new job?"; "She earns a lot in her new job"; "this merger brought in lots of money"; "He clears $5,000 each month". . sell; "We cleared a lot of the old model cars". . pass an inspection or receive authorization; "clear customs". . pronounce not guilty of criminal charges; "The suspect was cleared of the murder charges". . settle, as of a debt; "clear a debt"; "solve an old debt". . make clear, bright, light, or translucent; "The water had to be cleared through filtering". . rid of instructions or data; "clear a memory buffer". . remove from a building; "clear the patrons from the theater after the bomb threat". . remove the occupants of; "Clear the building". . free by making a rasping sound; "Clear the throat". . completely; "read the book clear to the end"; "slept clear through the night"; "there were open fields clear to the horizon". . in an easily perceptible manner; "could be seen clearly under the microscope"; "She cried loud and clear". . clear to the mind; "a clear and present danger"; "a clear explanation"; "a clear case of murder"; "a clear indication that she was angry"; "gave us a clear idea of human nature". . free from confusion or doubt; "a complex problem requiring a clear head"; "not clear about what is expected of us". . affording free passage or view; "a clear view"; "a clear path to victory". . free from cloudiness; allowing light to pass through; "clear water"; "clear plastic bags"; "clear glass"; "the air is clear and clean". . free from contact or proximity or connection; "we were clear of the danger"; "the ship was clear of the reef". . characterized by freedom from troubling thoughts ; "a clear conscience"; "regarded her questioner with clear untroubled eyes". . free from anything that dulls or dims; "efforts to obtain a clean bass in orchestral recordings"; "clear laughter like a waterfall"; "clear reds and blues"; "a light lilting voice like a silver bell". . free from any encumberance or limitation that presents a question of fact or law; "I have clear title to this property". . clear and distinct to the senses; easily perceptible; "as clear as a whistle"; "clear footprints in the snow"; "the letter brought back a clear image of his grandfather"; "a spire clean-cut against the sky"; "a clear-cut pattern". . accurately stated or described; "a set of well-defined values". . free from clouds or mist or haze; "on a clear day". . free of restrictions or qualifications; "a clean bill of health"; "a clear winner". . free from flaw or blemish or impurity; "a clear perfect diamond". . clear of charges or deductions; "a clear profit". . easily deciphered. . freed from any question of guilt; "is absolved from all blame"; "was now clear of the charge of cowardice"; "his official honor is vindicated". . characterized by ease and quickness in perceiving; "clear mind"; "a percipient author". . of complexion; without such blemishes as e g acne; "the clear complexion of a healthy young woman".28. The process by which a clearinghouse maintains records of all trades and settles margin flow on a daily mark-to-market basis for its clearing member .29. To pass, poke, or deflect the puck away from one's own goal cage, or out of the defensive zone As a noun, the act of clearing . . the name of a state achieved through auditing or an individual who has achieved this state A Clear is a being who no longer has his own reactive mind A Clear is an unaberrated person and is rational in that he forms the best possible solutions he can on the data he has and from his viewpoint The Clear has no engrams which can be restimulated to throw out the correctness of computation by entering hidden and false data . . In a graphical user interface, to remove selected objects or data from a menu or window and leave the visible space that it occupied To set a storage location to zero or a null value . . to kick the ball away from one's goal .30. A throw or a kick by the goalkeeper, or a kick by a defender, in an attempt to get the ball away from the goal area .31. The state of the sky when no clouds or obscurations are observed or detected from the point of observation .32. Skies will be almost totally clear, perhaps with a few small light clouds visible Cloud cover will be between 0 and 1/10 Clear is the nighttime term equivalent to "Sunny" .33. A shot hit deep to the opponent’s back boundar>Nine The high clear is a defensive shot, while the flatter attacking clear is used offensively . . a throw or kick by the goalkeeper or a kick by the defender in an attempt to get the ball away from the goal area . . Clear away Remove Clear off! Away with you! Take away Clear out Empty out, make tidy Clear up Become fine after rain or cloudiness; to make manifest; to elucidate what was obscure To clear an examination paper To floor it, or answer every question set To clear the air To remove the clouds, mists, and impurities To clear the dishes To empty them of their contents To clear the room To remove from it every thing or person not required To clear the table To remove what has been placed on it .34. To be free of one's reactive mind The state of Clear is reached before one does the OT levels On OT III the pre-OT learns that although his own reactive mind is gone, he is infested with thousands of body thetans, each of which has its own reactive mind Body thetans are supposedly cleared by getting them to blow .35. A defensive kick that attempts to get the ball out of a scoring area, particularly the penalty area . . indicates that certain minimal information necessary for D&B rating consideration is contained in the report It also means the report is free of negative information which could cause the selection of other History captions or designation as a potential higher-risk case.36. Sky condition of less than 1/10 cloud coverage .37. A check "clears" when its amount is debited from the payer's account and credited to the payee's account .38. Scientology The name of a state achieved through auditing or an individual who has achieved this state A Clear is a being who no longer has his own reactive mind A Clear is an unaberrated person and is rational in that he forms the best possible solutions he can on the data he has and from his viewpoint The Clear has no engrams which can be restimulated to throw out the correctness of computation by entering hidden and false data .39. A command in the Edit menu that removes selected material without placing it on the Clipboard You can use the Undo command immediately after using Clear if you change your mind . . defines the sides that do not allow layers If a layer appears on the clear side, the element with the clear setting moves below it Dreamweaver displays this attribute in the Document window only when it is applied to the IMG tag The clear attribute is supported by both browsers .40. To restore a storage or memory device to a prescribed state, usually that denoting zero See reset .41. A shot hit deep to the opponents back boundary line The high clear is a defensive shot, while the flatter attacking clear is used offensively .42. Word called to indicate that someone is about to draw a steel weapon, band passers-by should watch where they step Note: Never draw steel without checking first to see that on one will be endangered or offended thereby The cry of "Clear!" is a second line of defense against accident, not a license for an irresponsible act . .   To cause one or more storage locations to be in a prescribed state, usually that corresponding to a zero or that corresponding to the space character .43. Normally refers to removing the check from a checkbox .44. A Clear title is assigned to a vehicle with no previous Salvage notations, legends or sub-brands .


İngilizce Clear kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
v. aclarar, despejar, dilucidar, esclarecer, ilustrar; quitar de en medio, desembarazar, descongestionar, dejar libre, desatorar, desbloquear, librar de obstáculos, librar de obstrucciones; exonerar
adj. claro, brillante, iluminado, lúcido, vívido; cristalino, diáfano, libre de impurezas, límpido, limpio, transparente, trasparente; despejado, desembarazado, libre de obstáculos, libre de obstrucciones
adv. claramente; muy bien; a distancia


İngilizce Clear kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
v. clarifier; débarrasser; s'éclaircir
adj. clair; évident; limpide
adv. clairement; nettement; manifestement


İngilizce Clear kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
v. klären; säubern; aufklären
adj. klar, durchsichtig
adv. klar; ganz


İngilizce Clear kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
v. rendere trasparente; chiarire, spiegare; sgombrare, liberare; togliere, levare; farsi, fare, aprirsi, aprire; discolpare, dichiarare innocente; superare, oltrepassare; (finanza)liquidare, confermare
agg. chiaro, luminoso, radioso; trasparente, limpido; distinto, nitido; chiaramente udibile; (fig) pulito; ovvio; reciso, netto; sicuro, certo; libero, sgombro, aperto; esente; assoluto, completo
avv. chiaro, chiaramente; (fam) completamente, del tutto


İngilizce Clear kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
v. deixar claro; limpar; justificar; absolver; aprovar; lucrar; ficar claro
adj. claro, transparente, nítido
adv. evidentemente; totalmente


f. açıklamak, aydınlatmak, açmak, temizlemek, berraklaşmak, boşaltmak, tahliye etmek, kaldırmak; kurtarmak, sıyırıp geçmek, aşmak, elde etmek, ödemek; kapatmak; gümrükten çekmek; temize çıkarmak; dağılmak; seyretmek (gemi); ormanda alan açmak
s. açık, belirli, berrak, şeffaf, saydam, bulutsuz, parlak, aydınlık, belirgin, belli, ortada, aşikâr; temiz, net, anlaşılır; zeki; kuşkusu olmayan, emin; saf, katışıksız, tiz, masum; tüm, tam, bütün; engelsiz, takıntısız
zf. açıkça; uzağa, uzakta; tamamen, bütünüyle


İngilizce Clear kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
ww. verhelderen; reinigen; ophelderen
bn. helder, duidelijk
bw. duidelijk; in het geheel; op afstand


v. clarify, purify; explain; remove objects from a surface or area; exonerate; clean, wash; pass without touching; approve; gain in profit; be clarified
adj. pure, free of impurities; obvious, evident; easy to understand, comprehensible; open; empty
adv. clearly, obviously, plainly; completely, entirely