

1. anlamı (i). yaban asması, akasma, meryemana asması. filbahar, filbahri, (bot). Clematis.,sarmaşık.
2. anlamı akasma. yabanasmasi.


Clematis İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Clematis anlamları

  1. (noun) A genus of flowering plants, of many species, mostly climbers, having feathery styles, which greatly enlarge in the fruit; -- called also virgin's bower.

Clematis tanım:

Kelime: cle·ma·tis
Söyleniş: 'kle-m&-t&s; kli-'ma-t&s, -'mA-, -'mä-
İşlev: noun
Kökeni: New Latin, genus name, from Latin, from Greek klEmatis brushwood, clematis, from klEmat-, klEma twig, from klan to break -- more at CLAST
: any of a genus (Clematis) of vines or herbs of the buttercup family having three leaflets on each leaf and usually white, red, pink, or purple flowers