

1. anlamı [n] akıllılık, beceriklilik.
2. anlamı akillilik.
3. anlamı beceriklilik. beceri. akıllılık.


Kelime: clev·er
Söyleniş: 'kle-v&r
İşlev: adjective
Kökeni: Middle English cliver, perhaps of Scandinavian origin; akin to Danish dialect kløver alert, skillful
Tarih: circa 1595
1 a : skillful or adroit in using the hands or body : NIMBLE b : mentally quick and resourceful but often lacking in depth and soundness2 : marked by wit or ingenuity3 dialect a : GOOD b : easy to use or handle- clev·er·ish /-v(&-)rish/ adjective- clev·er·ly /-v&r-lE/ adverb- clev·er·ness /-v&r-n&s/ nounsynonyms CLEVER, ADROIT, CUNNING, INGENIOUS mean having or showing practical wit or skill in contriving. CLEVER stresses physical or mental quickness, deftness, or great aptitude a person clever with horses . ADROIT often implies a skillful use of expedients to achieve one's purpose in spite of difficulties an adroit negotiator . CUNNING implies great skill in constructing or creating a filmmaker cunning in his use of special effects . INGENIOUS suggests the power of inventing or discovering a new way of accomplishing something an ingenious software engineer . synonym see in addition INTELLIGENT

1. The quality of being clever; skill; dexterity; adroitness.2. the power of creative imagination. . intelligence as manifested in being quick and witty. . the property of being ingenious; "a plot of great ingenuity"; "the cleverness of its design".