

1. anlamı ([[isim]]). klişe, basmakalıp söz; ([[matbaa]]). klişe.,klişe,klişe.
2. anlamı basmakalıp söz. beylik laf.
3. anlamı basmakalıp.


Kelime: cli·ché
Variant(s): also cli·che /klE-'shA, 'klE-", kli-'/
İşlev: noun
Kökeni: French, literally, printer's stereotype, from past participle of clicher to stereotype, of imitative origin
Tarih: 1892
1 : a trite phrase or expression; also : the idea expressed by it2 : a hackneyed theme, characterization, or situation3 : something (as a menu item) that has become overly familiar or commonplace- cliché adjective

1. overused expression, as in: A good business writer tries to avoid using a cliche . . a photoengraved pad printing plate made of steel or plastic .2. An ostensibly "improvised" phrase that has been played many times by many musicians.3. An expression that has lost originality and force through overuse . . a pattern describing salient features of a concept that supports recognition of that concept in some specified context by application of some specified comparison algorithm .4. An overused phrase or expression.5. The "inkable" steel or nylon plate etched with the image to be transferred to a silicone pad, and eventually to the part Used in pad printing .6. Used in pad printing The "inkable" steel or nylon plate that is etched with an image to be transferred on to the silicone pad and then to the part . . a trite or obvious remark.