

1. anlamı ([[isim]])., (argo). hapishane, kodes; hücre.,hapishane/çınlama,xyz çınla/çınlat.
2. anlamı çınlamak. tınlamak. çınlatmak. tınlatmak. çınlama. tınlama. kodes.
3. anlamı (argo) hapishane. şangırtı. tıngırtı. iki cam ya da metal parça birbirine çarptığında çıkan ses. şangırdamak. tıngırdamak. şangırdatmak. tıngırdatmak. çizik. kodes.


Kelime: 1clink
Söyleniş: 'kli[ng]k
İşlev: verb
Kökeni: Middle English, of imitative origin
Tarih: 14th century
intransitive senses : to give out a slight sharp short metallic soundtransitive senses : to cause to clink

1. To cause to give out a slight, sharp, tinkling, sound, as by striking metallic or other sonorous bodies together.2. To give out a slight, sharp, tinkling sound.3. To rhyme. [Humorous].4. A slight, sharp, tinkling sound, made by the collision of sonorous bodies.5. A prison cell; a lockup; probably orig. the name of the noted prison in Southwark, England. make a high sound typical of glass; "champagne glasses clinked to make a toast".6. a short light metallic sound. . a correctional institution used to detain persons who are in the lawful custody of the government . . make a high sound typical of glass; "champagne glasses clinked to make a toast". . make or emit a high sound; "tinkling bells".