

1. anlamı ([[isim]]). toprak veya çamur parçası, kesek; toprak; budala kimse, aptal kimse. eloddish ([[sıfat]]). aptal. eloddishnessi aptallık. elodhopper ([[isim]]). , (k.dili). hantal kimse; (çoğ). büyük ağır ayakkabı.,salak/toprak.
2. anlamı (kil.vb.) toprak. aptal. salak.
3. anlamı toprak parçası. kesek. çamur topağı. budala. kalın kafalı.


Kelime: clod
Söyleniş: 'kläd
İşlev: noun
Kökeni: Middle English clodde, from Old English clod- (in clodhamer fieldfare)
Tarih: 15th century
1 a : a lump or mass especially of earth or clay b : SOIL, EARTH2 : OAF, DOLT- clod·dish /'klä-dish/ adjective- clod·dish·ness noun- clod·dy /'klä-dE/ adjective

1. A lump or mass, especially of earth, turf, or clay.2. The ground; the earth; a spot of earth or turf.3. That which is earthy and of little relative value, as the body of man in comparison with the soul.4. A dull, gross, stupid fellow; a dolt A part of the shoulder of a beef creature, or of the neck piece near the shoulder.5. See Illust. of Beef.6. To collect into clods, or into a thick mass; to coagulate; to clot; as, clodded gore.7. See Clot.8. To pelt with clods.9. To throw violently; to hurl.10. a disease which infects coralline algae.11. A layer of soft rock on the top of some coal seams . . —A compact, coherent mass of soil ranging in size from 5 to 10 millimeters to as much as 200 to 250 millimeters produced artificially, usually by the activity of man by plowing, digging, etc , especially when these operations are performed on soils that are either too wet or too dry for normal tillage operations ADVANCE\x 540.12. A compact, coherent mass of soil varying in size, usually produced by plowing, digging, etc , especially when these operations are performed on soils that are either too wet or too dry and usually formed by compression, or breaking off from a larger unit, as opposed to a building-up action as in aggregation . . a compact mass; "a ball of mud caught him on the shoulder". . an awkward stupid person.