Kelime: 2clogİşlev: verb
Türleri: clogged; clog·ging
Tarih: 1526
transitive senses1 a : to impede with a clog : HINDER b : to halt or retard the progress, operation, or growth of : ENCUMBER restraints that have been clogging the market -- T. W. Arnold 2 : to fill beyond capacity : OVERLOAD cars clogged the main street a speech clogged with clichés intransitive senses1 : to become filled with extraneous matter2 : to unite in a mass : CLOT3 : to dance a clog dancesynonym see HAMPER- clog·ger /'klä-g&r, 'klo-/ noun
1. Anything which clogs. preventing movement; "the clogging crowds of revelers overflowing into the street".2. premature drying of ink in the printing screen causing imperfect prints by blocking portions of the stencil .3. A freestyle dance style originating in the Blue Ridge Mountains characterized by double time stomping and tap steps resembling a tap dance with the upper body held straight and upright . . restriction of a flow path by the accumulation of debris along the flow path boundaries .4. Premature drying of ink on a screen which blocks an open part of the stencil, resulting in a bad print .5. Premature drying of ink in the screen, causing bad print by blocking part of the open stencil . . preventing movement; "the clogging crowds of revelers overflowing into the street".