

1. anlamı ([[isim]])., (f ).(-ted, -ting) pıhtı, toptop olan herhangi bir şey; ([[fiil]]). pıhtıtaşmak, top top olmak, kesilmek (süt); pıhtılaştırmak.,sersem/pıhtı,xyz pıhtılaş.
2. anlamı pıhtı. aptal. salak. sersem. pıhtılaşmak.
3. anlamı pıhtı. (argo) avanak. enayi. pıhtılaşmak. top.


Kelime: 1clot
Söyleniş: 'klät
İşlev: noun
Kökeni: Middle English, from Old English clott; akin to Middle High German klOz lump, ball -- more at CLOUT
Tarih: before 12th century
1 : a portion of a substance cleaving together in a thick nondescript mass (as of clay or gum)2 a : a roundish viscous lump formed by coagulation of a portion of liquid or by melting b : a coagulated mass produced by clotting of blood3 British : BLOCKHEAD4 : CLUSTER, GROUP a clot of spectators

1. A concretion or coagulation; esp. a soft, slimy, coagulated mass, as of blood; a coagulum.2. To concrete, coagulate, or thicken, as soft or fluid matter by evaporation; to become a cot or clod.3. To form into a slimy mass. a lump of material formed from the content of a liquid change from a liquid to a thickened or solid state; "coagulated blood" cause to change from a liquid to a solid or thickened state.4. a lump of material formed from the content of a liquid. . change from a liquid to a thickened or solid state; "coagulated blood". . cause to change from a liquid to a solid or thickened state. . turn into curds; "curdled milk". . coalesce or unite in a mass; "Blood clots".


İngilizce Clot kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
s. coágulo, cuajarón, embolia, grumo; coagulación; mameluco
v. coagular, coagularse, cuajar


İngilizce Clot kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
n. caillot; imbécile (argot)
v. se figer, se coaguler


İngilizce Clot kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
n. Klumpen; Blutpfropfen; Dummerle (Slang)
v. klumpen


İngilizce Clot kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
s. blocco, grumo; coagulo; (sl) stupido, zuccone, (fam) testa di legno
v. formare un blocco; coagularsi, raggrumarsi


İngilizce Clot kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
s. massa, pedaço; coágulo de sangue; idiota (em gíria)
v. coagular


f. pıhtılaşmak, kesilmek, üzerinde toplanmak
i. pıhtı, ahmak, avanak


İngilizce Clot kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
zn. klont, stolsel; bloedstolsel, infarct; stom (uitdrukking)
ww. stollen


n. lump; coagulated mass of blood; fool (Slang)
v. form into a lump, coagulate
v. end; close; complete