

Commodities İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Commodities anlamları

  1. (pl. ) of Commodity

Commodities tanım:

Kelime: com·mod·i·ty
Söyleniş: k&-'mä-d&-tE
İşlev: noun
Türleri: plural -ties
Kökeni: Middle English commoditee, from Middle French commodité, from Latin commoditat-, commoditas, from commodus
1 : an economic good: as a : a product of agriculture or mining b : an article of commerce especially when delivered for shipment commodities futures c : a mass-produced unspecialized product commodity chemicals commodity memory chips
2 a : something useful or valued that valuable commodity patience b : CONVENIENCE, ADVANTAGE
3 obsolete : QUANTITY, LOT
4 : one that is subject to ready exchange or exploitation within a market the sensitive female singer-songwriter as a viable pop commodity -- Elysa Gardner