Communistic İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı
Communistic anlamları
- (a.) Of or pertaining to communism or communists; as, communistic theories.
- (a.) Living or having their nests in common, as certain birds.
Communistic tanım:
Kelime: com·mu·nist
Söyleniş: 'käm-y&-nist
İşlev: noun
1 : an adherent or advocate of communism
2 capitalized : COMMUNARD
3 a capitalized : a member of a Communist party or movement b often capitalized : an adherent or advocate of a Communist government, party, or movement
4 often capitalized : one held to engage in left-wing, subversive, or revolutionary activities
- communist adjective, often capitalized
- com·mu·nis·tic

- com·mu·nis·ti·cal·ly