

1. anlamı dengeleme. dengeleyici.


Compensating tanım:

Kelime: com·pen·sate
Söyleniş: 'käm-p&n-"sAt, -"pen-
İşlev: verb
Türleri: -sat·ed; -sat·ing
Kökeni: Latin compensatus, past participle of compensare, frequentative of compendere
transitive senses
1 : to be equivalent to : COUNTERBALANCE
2 : to make an appropriate and usually counterbalancing payment to
3 a : to provide with means of counteracting variation b : to neutralize the effect of (variations)
intransitive senses
1 : to supply an equivalent -- used with for
2 : to offset an error, defect, or undesired effect
3 : to undergo or engage in psychological or physiological compensation
synonym see PAY
- com·pen·sa·tive /'käm-p&n-"sA-tiv, -"pen-; k&m-'pen(t)-s&-/ adjective
- com·pen·sa·tor /'käm-p&n-"sA-t&r, -"pen-/ noun
- com·pen·sa·to·ry /k&m-'pen(t)-s&-"tOr-E, -"tor-/ adjective