

1. anlamı (s)., (i). içbükey, obruk, konkav; (i). içbükey yüzey. concavo-concave (s). çift taraflı içbükey. concavo-convex (s). bir tarafı içbükey , diğer tarafı dışbükey olan. concavity (i). içbükeylik.,içbükey.
2. anlamı çukur. içbükey.


Concave İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Concave anlamları

  1. (noun) A curved sheath or breasting for a revolving cylinder or roll.
  2. (v. t.) To make hollow or concave.
  3. (a.) Hollow; void of contents.
  4. (noun) A hollow; an arched vault; a cavity; a recess.
  5. (a.) Hollow and curved or rounded; vaulted; -- said of the interior of a curved surface or line, as of the curve of the of the inner surface of an eggshell, in opposition to convex; as, a concave mirror; the concave arch of the sky.

Concave tanım:

Kelime: con·cave
Söyleniş: kän-'kAv, 'kän-"
İşlev: adjective
Kökeni: Middle English, from Middle French, from Latin concavus, from com- cavus hollow -- more at CAVE
1 : hollowed or rounded inward like the inside of a bowl
2 : arched in : curving in -- used of the side of a curve or surface on which neighboring normals to the curve or surface converge and on which lies the chord joining two neighboring points of the curve or surface