

1. anlamı (s). göze çarpan, aşikâr, bariz, dikkati çeken.,dikkat çekici.
2. anlamı göze çarpan. çarpıcı. dikkat çekici.


Conspicuous tanım:

Kelime: con·spic·u·ous
Söyleniş: k&n-'spi-ky&-w&s
İşlev: adjective
Kökeni: Latin conspicuus, from conspicere to get sight of, from com- specere to look -- more at SPY
1 : obvious to the eye or mind
2 : attracting attention : STRIKING
3 : marked by a noticeable violation of good taste
synonym see NOTICEABLE
- con·spic·u·ous·ly adverb
- con·spic·u·ous·ness /-n&s/ noun