

1. anlamı (s). kasılmış, çekilmiş, büzülmüş, kısalmış; pazarlığı edilmiş.
2. anlamı büzük. büzülmüs. kisaltilmis.


Contracted tanım:

Kelime: 2con·tract
Söyleniş: transitive sense 2a and intransitive sense 1 usually 'kän-"trakt, others usually k&n-'
İşlev: verb
Kökeni: Middle English, from Middle French or Latin; Middle French contracter to agree upon, from Latin contractus
transitive senses
1 a : to bring on oneself especially inadvertently : INCUR contracting debts b : to become affected with contract pneumonia
2 a : to establish or undertake by contract b : BETROTH; also : to establish (a marriage) formally c (1) : to hire by contract (2) : to purchase (as goods or services) on a contract basis -- often used with out
3 a : LIMIT, RESTRICT b : KNIT, WRINKLE frown contracted his brow c : to draw together : CONCENTRATE
4 : to reduce to smaller size by or as if by squeezing or forcing together
5 : to shorten (as a word) by omitting one or more sounds or letters
intransitive senses
1 : to make a contract
2 : to draw together so as to become diminished in size metal contracts on cooling ; also : to become less in compass, duration, or length muscle contracts in tetanus
- con·tract·ibil·i·ty /k&n-"trak-t&-'bi-l&-tE, "kän-/ noun
- con·tract·ible /k&n-'trak-t&-b&l, 'kän-"/ adjective
synonyms CONTRACT, SHRINK, CONDENSE, COMPRESS, CONSTRICT, DEFLATE mean to decrease in bulk or volume. CONTRACT applies to a drawing together of surfaces or particles or a reduction of area or length caused her muscles to contract . SHRINK implies a contracting or a loss of material and stresses a falling short of original dimensions the sweater will shrink when washed . CONDENSE implies a reducing of something homogeneous to greater compactness without significant loss of content condense the essay into a paragraph . COMPRESS implies a pressing into a small compass and definite shape usually against resistance compressed cotton into bales . CONSTRICT implies a tightening that reduces diameter the throat is constricted by a tight collar . DEFLATE implies a contracting by reducing the internal pressure of contained air or gas deflate the balloon .


İngilizce Contracted kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
[contract] v. contraer, encoger, estrechar; contratar, alquilar los servicios de; contraerse, encogerse; contagiarse de


İngilizce Contracted kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
adj. réduit, contracté, rendre plus petit en taille ou en volume, restreint; condensé, abrégé; limité


İngilizce Contracted kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
[contract] v. Vertrag abschließen; empfangen; zusammenquetschen; sich zusammenziehen
adj. kontaktiert; verkleinert oder zusammengezogen; geschrumpft; verengt; restriktiert, begrenzt


İngilizce Contracted kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
agg. contratto, ristretto


İngilizce Contracted kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
adj. contraído; encolhido; estreito; restringido


s. kasılmış, büzülmüş, kısaltılmış, az, sınırlı


İngilizce Contracted kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
bn. samengetrokken, ingekrompen; gekrompen; smal; beperkt; verkort


adj. made smaller in size or pulled together; shrunken; abridged; narrow; restricted