Contralto İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı
Contralto anlamları
- (noun) The part sung by the highest male or lowest female voices; the alto or counter tenor.
- (a.) Of or pertaining to a contralto, or to the part in music called contralto; as, a contralto voice.
- (noun) the voice or singer performing this part; as, her voice is a contralto; she is a contralto.
Contralto tanım:
Kelime: con·tral·to
Söyleniş: k&n-'tral-(")tO
İşlev: noun
Türleri: plural -tos
Kökeni: Italian, from contra- alto
1 a : a singing voice having a range between tenor and mezzo-soprano b : a person having this voice
2 : the part sung by a contralto