

1. anlamı çürütme/çürük.
2. anlamı bere. ezik.


Contusion İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Contusion anlamları

  1. (noun) The act or process of beating, bruising, or pounding; the state of being beaten or bruised.
  2. (noun) A bruise; an injury attended with more or less disorganization of the subcutaneous tissue and effusion of blood beneath the skin, but without apparent wound.

Contusion tanım:

Kelime: con·tu·sion
Söyleniş: k&n-'tü-zh&n, -'tyü-
İşlev: noun
Kökeni: Middle English conteschown, from Middle French contusion, from Latin contusion-, contusio, from contundere to pound, bruise, from com- tundere to beat; akin to Gothic stautan to strike, Sanskrit tudati he pushes
: injury to tissue usually without laceration : BRUISE 1a
- con·tuse /-'tüz, -'tyüz/ transitive verb

Contusion ile eşanlamlı (synonym) kelimeler
