

1. anlamı pişir(mek).


Cooked tanım:

Kelime: 2cook
İşlev: verb
intransitive senses
1 : to prepare food for eating by means of heat
2 : to undergo the action of being cooked the rice is cooking now
3 : OCCUR, HAPPEN find out what was cooking in the committee
4 : to perform, do, or proceed well the jazz quartet was cooking along the party cooked right through the night
transitive senses
1 : CONCOCT, FABRICATE -- usually used with up cooked up a scheme
2 : to prepare for eating by a heating process
3 : FALSIFY, DOCTOR cooked the books with phony spending cuts and accounting gimmickry -- Colleen O'Connor
4 : to subject to the action of heat or fire
- cook·able /'ku-k&-b&l/ adjective
- cook one's goose : to ruin one irretrievably