Correctly tanım:
Kelime: 2correctİşlev: adjective
Kökeni: Middle English, corrected, from Latin correctus, from past participle of corrigere
1 : conforming to an approved or conventional standard
2 : conforming to or agreeing with fact, logic, or known truth
3 : conforming to a set figure enclosed the correct return postage
- cor·rect·ly

- cor·rect·ness

synonyms CORRECT, ACCURATE, EXACT, PRECISE, NICE, RIGHT mean conforming to fact, standard, or truth. CORRECT usually implies freedom from fault or error correct answers socially correct dress . ACCURATE implies fidelity to fact or truth attained by exercise of care an accurate description . EXACT stresses a very strict agreement with fact, standard, or truth exact measurements . PRECISE adds to EXACT an emphasis on sharpness of definition or delimitation precise calibration . NICE stresses great precision and delicacy of adjustment or discrimination makes nice distinctions . RIGHT is close to CORRECT but has a stronger positive emphasis on conformity to fact or truth rather than mere absence of error or fault the right thing to do .
İngilizce Correctly kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.adv. correctamente, a derechas, acertadamente, atinadamente, como Dios manda, debidamente, exactamente
İngilizce Correctly kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.adv. correctement
İngilizce Correctly kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.adv. auf eine korrekte Weise
İngilizce Correctly kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.avv. correttamente
İngilizce Correctly kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.adv. corretamente
z. doğru olarak.Correctly
İngilizce Correctly kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.bw. op de juiste manier
adv. in a correct manner, properlyKamala Harris
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