1. anlamı (i)., (çoğ -tices)., (bot). kabuk, kışır; (anat). kabuk, korteks. cortical (s). kabuğa ait ; bir uzvun dış zarına ait. corticated (s). kabuklu, kışri.,korteks. 2. anlamı kabuk. pul.
Cortex tanım:
Kelime: cor·tex Söyleniş:'kor-"teks İşlev:noun Türleri:pluralcor·ti·ces /'kor-t&-"sEz/; orcor·tex·es Kökeni: Latin cortic-, cortex bark -- more at CUIRASS 1 a : the outer or superficial part of an organ or bodily structure (as the kidney, adrenal gland, or a hair); especially : the outer layer of gray matter of the cerebrum and cerebellum b : the outer part of some organisms (as paramecia) 2 : a plant bark or rind (as cinchona) used medicinally 3 a : the typically parenchymatous layer of tissue external to the vascular tissue and internal to the corky or epidermal tissues of a green plant; broadly : all tissues external to the xylem b : an outer or investing layer of various algae, lichens, or fungi