

1. anlamı (f). aynı kuvvetle karşı koymak, karşılamak. countervailing duty (tic). munzam gümrük resmi, sürtaks.,xyz karşı hareket et.
2. anlamı ayni kuvvetle karsi koymak.


Countervail tanım:

Kelime: coun·ter·vail
Söyleniş: "kaun-t&r-'vA(&)l
İşlev: verb
Kökeni: Middle English countrevailen, from Middle French contrevaloir, from contre- counter- valoir to be worth, from Latin valEre -- more at WIELD
transitive senses
1 : to compensate for
2 archaic : EQUAL, MATCH
3 : to exert force against : COUNTERACT
intransitive senses : to exert force against an opposing and often bad or harmful force or influence