

1. anlamı (i)., (f). zorla veya kandırarak denizci veya asker toplayan kimse veya acente; (f). zorla askere almak.,xyz kıvır/katla.
2. anlamı kivirciklastirmak.


Crimp tanım:

Kelime: crimp
Söyleniş: 'krimp
İşlev: transitive verb
Kökeni: Dutch or Low German krimpen to shrivel; akin to Middle Dutch crampe hook, cramp
1 : to cause to become wavy, bent, or pinched: as a : to form (leather) into a desired shape b : to give (synthetic fibers) a curl or wave like that of natural fibers c : to pinch or press together (as the margins of a pie crust) in order to seal
2 : to be an inhibiting or restraining influence on : CRAMP sales had been crimped by credit controls -- Time
- crimp·er /'krim-p&r/ noun