

1. anlamı (i)., (s). kesme, kesiş; (sin). kesim; (bahç). aşı kalemi; (s). keskin; acı, içe işleyen (rüzgâr, söz); dondurucu; inciten. cutting angle (mak). kesme açısı.,geçit/kupür/kesik,soğuk/keskin/kırıcı,cut çıkar/kesil/kes.
2. anlamı kupür. kesik. dal çeliği. budanmış parça. geçit. yarık. tünel. acı. kırıcı. kalp kırıcı. incitici. (rüzgar) soğuk. kesici. içe işleyen.
3. anlamı kupür. kesik. dal çeligi. budanmis parça. geçit. yarik. tünel. kesme. yol açma. aci. kirici. kalp kirici. incitici. (rüzgâr) soguk. kesici. içe isleyen.


Cutting tanım:

Kelime: cut
Söyleniş: 'k&t
İşlev: verb
Türleri: cut; cut·ting
Kökeni: Middle English cutten
transitive senses
1 a : to penetrate with or as if with an edged instrument b : to hurt the feelings of c : to strike sharply with a cutting effect d : to strike (a ball) with a glancing blow that imparts a reverse spin e : to experience the growth of (a tooth) through the gum
2 a : TRIM, PARE cut one's nails b : to shorten by omissions c : DISSOLVE, DILUTE, ADULTERATE d : to reduce in amount cut costs
3 a : MOW, REAP b (1) : to divide into parts with an edged tool cut bread (2) : FELL, HEW c (1) : to separate or discharge from an organization : DETACH (2) : to single out and isolate cut a calf out from the herd d : to change the direction of sharply e : to go or pass around or about
4 a : to divide into segments b : INTERSECT, CROSS c : BREAK, INTERRUPT cut our supply lines d (1) : to divide (a deck of cards) into two portions (2) : to draw (a card) from the deck e : to divide into shares : SPLIT
5 a : to make by or as if by cutting: as (1) : CARVE cut stone (2) : to shape by grinding cut a diamond (3) : ENGRAVE (4) : to shear or hollow out b : to record sounds (as speech or music) on cut a record c : to type on a stencil
6 a : STOP, CEASE cut the nonsense b : to refuse to recognize (an acquaintance) : OSTRACIZE c : to absent oneself from (as a class) d : to stop (a motor) by opening a switch e : to stop the filming of (a motion-picture scene)
7 a : to engage in (a frolicsome or mischievous action) on summer nights strange capers are cut under the thin guise of a Christian festival -- D. C. Peattie b : to give the appearance or impression of cut a fine figure
8 : to be able to manage or handle -- usually used in negative constructions can't cut that kind of work anymore
intransitive senses
1 a : to function as or as if as an edged tool b : to undergo incision or severance cheese cuts easily c : to perform the operation of dividing, severing, incising, or intersecting d : to make a stroke with a whip, sword, or other weapon e : to wound feelings or sensibilities f : to cause constriction or chafing g : to be of effect, influence, or significance an analysis that cuts deep
2 a (1) : to divide a pack of cards especially in order to decide the deal or settle a bet (2) : to draw a card from the pack b : to divide spoils : SPLIT
3 a : to proceed obliquely from a straight course cut across the yard b : to move swiftly a yacht cutting through the water c : to describe an oblique or diagonal line d : to change sharply in direction : SWERVE e : to make an abrupt transition from one sound or image to another in motion pictures, radio, or television
4 : to stop photographing motion pictures
- cut a deal : to negotiate an agreement
- cut both ways : to have both favorable and unfavorable results or implications
- cut corners : to perform some action in the quickest, easiest, or cheapest way
- cut ice : to be of importance -- usually used in negative constructions
- cut it : to cut the mustard
- cut the mustard : to achieve the standard of performance necessary for success


İngilizce Cutting kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
s. recorte, cercenadura, cercenamiento, cizalladura, cizallamiento, incisión, labra, labrado, tajadura, tijeretazo, tijereteo, viruta; esqueje


İngilizce Cutting kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
n. découpage; plant adj. piquant, mordant, comique, cinglant, coupant, incisive, tranchant


İngilizce Cutting kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
[cut] v. abschneiden, schneiden; kürzen, abkürzen n. Ableger (Pflanzen); Schnitt adj. scharf, ätzend, beißend


İngilizce Cutting kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
s. taglio, incisione; pezzo; ritaglio; (fig) riduzione, diminuzione; trincea, scavo; (Agr) talea; (Tess) cimatura; (Cin) montaggio agg. tagliente, affilato, pungente, mordace


İngilizce Cutting kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
s. incisão; redução adj. afiado, mordaz


i. kesme, kesim, doğrama; çentik, kertik; kıymık, yonga; yol, yol açma, hafriyat; kupür; kurgu hazırlığı; aşı dalı, çelik s. keskin, acı, kesici, sert, dondurucu, iğneleyici, içine işleyen, içe işleyen, kırıcı


İngilizce Cutting kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
zn. (afgesneden/afgeknipt/uitgeknipt) stuk(je); stek (v. plant)


n. act of cutting; something cut off; small piece cut from a plant; piece cut from a newspaper adj. sharp, caustic

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