Cygnus tanım:
Kelime: Cyg·nus
Söyleniş: 'sig-n&s
İşlev: noun
Kökeni: Latin (genitive Cygni), literally, swan
: a northern constellation between Lyra and Pegasus in the Milky Way
1. (Latin) northern constellation, the Swan. cygnus\cyg"nus\ (s?g"n?s), n. [l., a swan.] (astron.) a constellation of the northern hemisphere east of, or following, lyra; the swan.cygnus n.
2. a constellation in the northern hemisphere between pegasus and draco in the milky way; contains a black hole [syn: cygnus].
3. a genus of anatidae [syn: cygnus, genus cygnus].
4. A constellation of the northern hemisphere east of, or following, Lyra; the Swan. a genus of Anatidae a constellation in the northern hemisphere between Pegasus and Draco in the Milky Way; contains a black hole.