

1. anlamı alçalt(mak).


Debased tanım:

Kelime: de·base
Söyleniş: di-'bAs, dE-
İşlev: transitive verb
1 : to lower in status, esteem, quality, or character
2 a : to reduce the intrinsic value of (a coin) by increasing the base-metal content b : to reduce the exchange value of (a monetary unit)
- de·base·ment /-'bAs-m&nt/ noun
- de·bas·er /-'bA-s&r/ noun
synonyms DEBASE, VITIATE, DEPRAVE, CORRUPT, DEBAUCH, PERVERT mean to cause deterioration or lowering in quality or character. DEBASE implies a loss of position, worth, value, or dignity commercialism has debased the holiday . VITIATE implies a destruction of purity, validity, or effectiveness by allowing entrance of a fault or defect a foreign policy vitiated by partisanship . DEPRAVE implies moral deterioration by evil thoughts or influences the claim that society is depraved by pornography . CORRUPT implies loss of soundness, purity, or integrity the belief that bureaucratese corrupts the language . DEBAUCH implies a debasing through sensual indulgence the long stay on a tropical isle had debauched the ship's crew . PERVERT implies a twisting or distorting from what is natural or normal perverted the original goals of the institute .