

1. anlamı (i). eksiltme, küçültme; azalma, alçalma; inme; düşme; (huk). noksan, eksiklik: (mim). incelme.,azalma/azaltma.
2. anlamı azaltma. eksiltme. küçültme. azalma. eksilme. küçülme. tenzilat. indirim.


Diminution İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Diminution anlamları

  1. (noun) Omission, inaccuracy, or defect in a record.
  2. (noun) In counterpoint, the imitation of, or reply to, a subject, in notes of half the length or value of those the subject itself.
  3. (noun) The act of lessening dignity or consideration, or the state of being deprived of dignity; a lowering in estimation; degradation; abasement.
  4. (noun) The act of diminishing, or of making or becoming less; state of being diminished; reduction in size, quantity, or degree; -- opposed to augmentation or increase.

Diminution tanım:

Kelime: dim·i·nu·tion
Söyleniş: "di-m&-'nü-sh&n also -'nyü-
İşlev: noun
Kökeni: Middle English diminucioun, from Middle French diminution, from Medieval Latin diminution-, diminutio, alteration of Latin deminution-, deminutio, from deminuere
: the act, process, or an instance of diminishing : DECREASE

Diminution ile eşanlamlı (synonym) kelimeler

Decline, Decrease, Reduction, Step-down,

Diminution ile zıt (antonym) anlamlı kelimeler

Augmentation, Increase, Step-up,