

1. anlamı daldrmak.
2. anlamı daldirma. batirma. boyama. kasarlama.


Dipping İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Dipping anlamları

  1. (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Dip
  2. (noun) The act of inclining downward.
  3. (noun) The act or process of immersing.
  4. (noun) The process of cleaning or brightening sheet metal or metalware, esp. brass, by dipping it in acids, etc.
  5. (noun) The act of lifting or moving a liquid with a dipper, ladle, or the like.
  6. (noun) The practice of taking snuff by rubbing the teeth or gums with a stick or brush dipped in snuff.

Dipping tanım:

Kelime: dip
Söyleniş: 'dip
İşlev: verb
Türleri: dipped; dip·ping
Kökeni: Middle English dippen, from Old English dyppan; akin to Old High German tupfen to wash, Lithuanian dubus deep
transitive senses
1 a : to plunge or immerse momentarily or partially under the surface (as of a liquid) so as to moisten, cool, or coat dip candles b : to thrust in a way to suggest immersion c : to immerse (as a sheep or dog) in an antiseptic or parasiticidal solution
2 a : to lift a portion of by reaching below the surface with something shaped to hold liquid : LADLE b : to take a portion of (snuff)
3 a archaic : INVOLVE b : MORTGAGE
4 a : to lower and then raise again dip a flag in salute b chiefly British : DIM 2
intransitive senses
1 a : to plunge into a liquid and quickly emerge b : to immerse something into a processing liquid or finishing material
2 a : to suddenly drop down or out of sight b of an airplane : to drop suddenly before climbing c : to decline or decrease moderately and usually temporarily prices dipped d : to lower the body momentarily especially as part of an athletic or dancing motion
3 a : to reach down inside or below or as if inside or below a surface especially to withdraw a part of the contents -- used with into dipped into the family's savings
4 : to examine or read something casually or superficially -- used with into
5 : to incline downward from the plane of the horizon
- dip·pa·ble /'di-p&-b&l/ adjective


İngilizce Dipping kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
s. zambullida; desinfectación


İngilizce Dipping kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
n. trempage


İngilizce Dipping kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
[dip] v. eintauchen, versinken; sinken; runterlassen n. Tauchbad


İngilizce Dipping kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
s. immersione, battesimo


İngilizce Dipping kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
s. mergulho, imersão, submersão (em um líquido); ato de levantar uma certa quantidade de água (com as mãos, colher, etc.)


i. dalma, daldırma


İngilizce Dipping kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
zn. dopen


n. immersion, submergence (in a liquid); act of taking up an amount of liquid (with the hands, a spoon, etc.)