

1. anlamı yaparak.
2. anlamı (birisinin yaptığı) iş. sıkı çalışma.
3. anlamı (birisinin yaptigi) is. s*ki çalisma.


Doing İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Doing anlamları

  1. (noun) Anything done; a deed; an action good or bad; hence, in the plural, conduct; behavior. See Do.
  2. (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Do

Doing tanım:

Kelime: do
Söyleniş: 'dü, d&(-w)
İşlev: verb
Türleri: did /'did, d&d/; done /'d&n/; do·ing /'dü-i[ng]/; does /'d&z/
Kökeni: Middle English don, from Old English dOn; akin to Old High German tuon to do, Latin -dere to put, facere to make, do, Greek tithenai to place, set
transitive senses
1 : to bring to pass : CARRY OUT
2 : PUT -- used chiefly in do to death
3 a : PERFORM, EXECUTE do some work did his duty b : COMMIT crimes done deliberately
4 a : BRING ABOUT, EFFECT trying to do good do violence b : to give freely : PAY do honor to her memory
5 : to bring to an end : FINISH -- used in the past participle the job is finally done
6 : to put forth : EXERT did her best to win the race
7 a : to wear out especially by physical exertion : EXHAUST at the end of the race they were pretty well done b British : to attack physically : BEAT; also : KILL
8 : to bring into existence : PRODUCE do a biography on the general
9 -- used as a substitute verb especially to avoid repetition if you must make such a racket, do it somewhere else
10 a : to play the role or character of b : MIMIC; also : to behave like do a Houdini and disappear c : to perform in or serve as producer of do a play
11 : to treat unfairly; especially : CHEAT did him out of his inheritance
12 : to treat or deal with in any way typically with the sense of preparation or with that of care or attention: a (1) : to put in order : CLEAN was doing the kitchen (2) : WASH did the dishes after supper b : to prepare for use or consumption; especially : COOK like my steak done rare c : SET, ARRANGE had her hair done d : to apply cosmetics to wanted to do her face before the party e : DECORATE, FURNISH did the living room in Early American
13 : to be engaged in the study or practice of do science ; especially : to work at as a vocation what to do after college
14 a : to pass over (as distance) : TRAVERSE b : to travel at a speed of doing 55 on the turnpike
15 : TOUR doing 12 countries in 30 days
16 : to spend or serve out (a period of time) did ten years in prison
17 : to serve the needs of : SUIT, SUFFICE worms will do us for bait
18 : to approve especially by custom, opinion, or propriety you oughtn't to say a thing like that ... it's not done -- Dorothy Sayers
19 : to treat with respect to physical comforts did themselves well
20 : USE 3 doesn't do drugs
intransitive senses
1 : ACT, BEHAVE do as I say
2 a : GET ALONG, FARE do well in school b : to carry on business or affairs : MANAGE we can do without your help
3 : to take place : HAPPEN what's doing across the street
4 : to come to or make an end : FINISH -- used in the past participle
5 : to be active or busy let us then be up and doing -- H. W. Longfellow
6 : to be adequate or sufficient : SERVE half of that will do
7 : to be fitting : conform to custom or propriety won't do to be late
8 -- used as a substitute verb to avoid repetition wanted to run and play as children do -- used especially in British English following a modal auxiliary or perfective have a great many people had died, or would do -- Bruce Chatwin
9 -- used in the imperative after an imperative to add emphasis be quiet do
verbal auxiliary
1 a -- used with the infinitive without to to form present and past tenses in legal and parliamentary language do hereby bequeath and in poetry give what she did crave -- Shakespeare b -- used with the infinitive without to to form present and past tenses in declarative sentences with inverted word order fervently do we pray -- Abraham Lincoln , in interrogative sentences did you hear that , and in negative sentences we don't know don't go
2 -- used with the infinitive without to to form present and past tenses expressing emphasis I do say do be careful
- do·able /'dü-&-b&l/ adjective
- do a number on : to defeat or confound thoroughly especially by indirect or deceptive means
- do away with 1 : to put an end to : ABOLISH 2 : to put to death : KILL
- do by : to deal with : TREAT
- do for chiefly British 1 : to attend to the wants and needs of : take care of 2 : to bring about the death or ruin of
- do it : to have sexual intercourse
- do justice 1 a : to act justly b : to treat fairly or adequately c : to show due appreciation for 2 : to acquit in a way worthy of one's abilities
- do proud : to give cause for pride or gratification
- do the trick : to produce a desired result
- do with : to make good use of : benefit by could do with a cup of coffee
- to do : necessary to be done I've done my best and all's to do again -- A. E. Housman


İngilizce Doing kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
s. obra, hechura


İngilizce Doing kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
n. acte, fait


İngilizce Doing kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
[do] v. tun, machen; vollbringen; ausführen; erreichen; haben
n. Tat


İngilizce Doing kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
s. il fare


İngilizce Doing kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
s. feito, ação, gesto


i. iş, faaliyet, şey, meydana getirme, zımbırtı


İngilizce Doing kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
zn. daad


n. act, deed

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