

1. anlamı uygarlaştırmak. medenileştirmek. evcilleştirmek. evine bağlamak. ev işlerini sevdirmek.
2. anlamı (hayvan) evcilleştirmek. ev işlerine alıştırmak.


Domesticate İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Domesticate anlamları

  1. (a.) To tame or reclaim from a wild state; as, to domesticate wild animals; to domesticate a plant.
  2. (a.) To cause to be, as it were, of one's family or country; as, to domesticate a foreign custom or word.
  3. (a.) To make domestic; to habituate to home life; as, to domesticate one's self.

Domesticate tanım:

Kelime: do·mes·ti·cate
Söyleniş: d&-'mes-ti-"kAt
İşlev: transitive verb
Türleri: -cat·ed; -cat·ing
1 : to bring into domestic use : ADOPT
2 : to adapt (an animal or plant) to life in intimate association with and to the advantage of humans
3 : to make domestic : fit for domestic life
4 : to bring to the level of ordinary people
- do·mes·ti·ca·tion /-"mes-ti-'kA-sh&n/ noun

Domesticate ile eşanlamlı (synonym) kelimeler

Cultivate, Naturalize, Reclaim, Tame,