
Kısaca: Down şu anlamlara gelebilir: ...devamı ☟


1. anlamı (i). ince kuş tüyü, yonda; ince tüy, ayva tüyü, hav. ,açık arazi/tüy,üzgün/aşağı,xyz yut/yere vur/yen,Xdown aşağıda/aşağı,down aşağısı.
2. anlamı aşağı. aşağıya. aşağıda. güneye doğru. güneyde. sıkıca. sağlam bir şekilde. kağıt üstünde. yazı olarak. kötüye. kötü bir duruma. daha düşük bir düzeye. geçmişten. üzgün. hüzünlü. neşesiz. aşağısına. aşağısında. boyunca. yere vurmak. yutuvermek. yumuşak tü.


Down İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Down anlamları

  1. (prep.) A tract of poor, sandy, undulating or hilly land near the sea, covered with fine turf which serves chiefly for the grazing of sheep; -- usually in the plural.
  2. (noun) That which is made of down, as a bed or pillow; that which affords ease and repose, like a bed of down
  3. (a.) Downcast; as, a down look.
  4. (adv.) From a greater to a less bulk, or from a thinner to a thicker consistence; as, to boil down in cookery, or in making decoctions.
  5. (v. t.) To cause to go down; to make descend; to put down; to overthrow, as in wrestling; hence, to subdue; to bring down.
  6. (a.) Downward; going down; sloping; as, a down stroke; a down grade; a down train on a railway.
  7. (noun) The soft hair of the face when beginning to appear.
  8. (noun) The pubescence of plants; the hairy crown or envelope of the seeds of certain plants, as of the thistle.
  9. (adv.) In the direction of gravity or toward the center of the earth; toward or in a lower place or position; below; -- the opposite of up.
  10. (adv.) In a low or the lowest position, literally or figuratively; at the bottom of a decent; below the horizon; of the ground; in a condition of humility, dejection, misery, and the like; in a state of quiet.
  11. (noun) The soft under feathers of birds. They have short stems with soft rachis and bards and long threadlike barbules, without hooklets.
  12. (prep.) A bank or rounded hillock of sand thrown up by the wind along or near the shore; a flattish-topped hill; -- usually in the plural.
  13. (adv.) From a higher to a lower position, literally or figuratively; in a descending direction; from the top of an ascent; from an upright position; to the ground or floor; to or into a lower or an inferior condition; as, into a state of humility, disgrace, misery, and the like; into a state of rest; -- used with verbs indicating motion.
  14. (adv.) Hence: Towards the mouth of a river; towards the sea; as, to sail or swim down a stream; to sail down the sound.
  15. (adv.) In a descending direction along; from a higher to a lower place upon or within; at a lower place in or on; as, down a hill; down a well.
  16. (v. i.) To go down; to descend.
  17. (adv.) From a remoter or higher antiquity.
  18. (v. t.) To cover, ornament, line, or stuff with down.
  19. (a.) Downright; absolute; positive; as, a down denial.
  20. (prep.) A road for shipping in the English Channel or Straits of Dover, near Deal, employed as a naval rendezvous in time of war.
  21. (prep.) A state of depression; low state; abasement.
  22. (noun) Fine, soft, hairy outgrowth from the skin or surface of animals or plants, not matted and fleecy like wool

Down tanım:

Kelime: down
Söyleniş: 'daun
İşlev: adverb
Kökeni: Middle English doun, from Old English dune, short for adune, of dune, from a- (from of), of off, from dune, dative of dun hill
1 a (1) : toward or in a lower physical position (2) : to a lying or sitting position (3) : toward or to the ground, floor, or bottom b : as a down payment paid $10 down c : on paper put down what he says
2 : in a direction that is the opposite of up: as a : SOUTHWARD b : to or toward a point away from the speaker or the speaker's point of reference
3 : to a lesser degree, level, or rate cool down tensions
4 : to or toward a lower position in a series
5 a : to or in a lower or worse condition or status b -- used to indicate completion dusted down the house
6 : from a past time
7 : to or in a state of less activity or prominence
8 : to a concentrated state got the report down to three pages
9 : into defeat voted the motion down
- down to the ground : PERFECTLY, COMPLETELY that suits me down to the ground

Down ile eşanlamlı (synonym) kelimeler

Blue, Consume, Cut, Declining, Depressed, Devour, Dispirited, Downcast, Downhearted, Downward, Downwards, Kill, Land, Low, Low-spirited, Mastered, Polish, Refine,

Down ile zıt (antonym) anlamlı kelimeler



İngilizce Down kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
s. pelusa, lanosidad, tamo, vello, vellosidad
v. derribar, abatir, tirar al suelo; engullir, tragarse
adj. caído; deprimido; (inform.) roto, que no trabaja, no activo


İngilizce Down kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
n. dune; duvet; descente
v. faire tomber; défaire; avaler
adj. déprimé; bas; en bas, par terre, en panne, inactif (informatique)


İngilizce Down kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
n. Höhenzug (Geologie, Topographie); Zorn
v. zusammenbrechen; schlucken; stürzen
adj. herunter, unten, zusammengebrochen; (Comput) nicht aktiv (z.B ein Server)


İngilizce Down kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
s. duna; collina, regione collinare; piumino; piuma; peluria; lanugine; contrario
v. mettere giù, posare; gettare a terra, atterrare; battere, sconfiggere; mandar giù, (fam) scolarsi; (Aer; mil) abbattere
agg. afflizione; depressione; (inform.) fuori servizio, inattivo


İngilizce Down kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
s. monte; descida; penugem; queda
v. derrubar; derrotar; engolir
adj. desanimado, na fossa, para baixo; em baixo; (informática) travado, inativado, quebrado, na rede significa que o computador está fora de operação


f. devirmek, yere sermek; yenmek; indirmek (uçak); mideye indirmek
i. kuştüyü, tüy, ayva tüyü; hav; tepe; kumul; şansın ters dönmesi; bunalım, depresyon; nefret; garez; bağlanma
s. aşağıya doğru, düşen; neşesiz, keyifsiz, morali bozuk; şehir merkezine giden; çarşı doğrultusunda olan; londra'ya giden


Fransızca Down kelimesinin İngilizce karşılığı.
n. Down, family name; Johan Langdon Down (1828-96), English physician after whom Down's syndrome is named


İtalyanca Down kelimesinin İngilizce karşılığı.
n. Down's syndrome, condition of mental retardation (Pathology)


İngilizce Down kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
zn. neerwaards, naar beneden
ww. neerslaan, neerhalen; doorslikken
bn. gedeprimeerd; laag; (in computers) plat, werkt niet, niet aktief; buiten werking


n. hill; hilly upland country; soft insulating feathers; fine soft hairs; descent; reverse; four plays in a row that advance a team at least ten yards down the field toward a touchdown (American football)
v. cause to come down, knock down, shoot down; defeat; overthrow; descend; drink, swallow (Slang)
adj. depressed; mean, base; low; not working, out-of-order (Computers)


Almanca Down kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
adj. plat: à plat


Almanca Down kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
adj. murrio

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