En İyi Kısa Belgesel Film Akademi Ödülü

Kısaca: 1941 - ''Churchill's Island'' - National Film Board of Canada ...devamı ☟

'1941 - Churchill's Island''' - National Film Board of Canada ** Adventure in the Bronx ** Bomber ** Christmas Under Fire ** A Letter from Home ** Life of a Thoroughbred ** Norway in Revolt ** Soldiers of the Sky ** War Clouds in the Pacific * '1942 - ödül verilmedi * 1943 - December 7th''' - United States Navy ** Children of Mars ** Plan for Destruction ** Swedes in America ** To the People of the United States ** Tomorrow We Fly ** Youth in Crisis * '1944 - With the Marines at Tarawa''' - United States Marine Corps ** Hymn of the Nations ** New Americans * '1945 - Hitler Lives''' - Gordon Hollingshead, Yapımcı ** Library of Congress ** To the Shores of Iwo Jima * '1946 - Seeds of Destiny''' - United States Department of War ** Atomic Power ** Life at the Zoo ** Paramount News Issue #37 ** Traffic with the Devil * '1947 - First Steps''' - United Nations Division of Films ve Visual Information ** Passport to Nowhere ** School in the Mailbox * '1948 - Toward Independence''' - United States Army ** Heart to Heart ** Operation Vittles * '1949 - (tie): ** ''A Chance To Live - Richard de Rochemont, Yapımcı ** So Much for So Little''' - Edward Selzer, Yapımcı ** 1848 ** The Rising Tide


* '
1950 - Why Korea?''' - Edmund Reek, Yapımcı ** Science Against Cancer ** The Stairs * '1951 - Benjy''' - Fred Zinnemann tarafından Paramount Pictures Corporation ortaklığı ile Los Angeles Ortopedi Hastanesi için yapıldı. ** One Who Came Back ** The Seeing Eye * '1952 - Neighbours''' - Norman McLaren, Yapımcı - National Film Board of Canada ** Devil Take Us ** Epeira Diadema ** Man Alive! * '1953 - The Alaskan Eskimo''' - Walt Disney, Yapımcı ** The Living City ** Operation Blue Jay ** They Planted a Stone ** The Word * '1954 - Thursday's Children''' - World Wide Pictures ve Morse Films ** Jet Carrier ** A Self-Portrait * '1955 - Men against the Arctic''' - Walt Disney, Yapımcı ** The Battle of Gettysburg ** The Face of Lincoln * '1956 - The True Story of the Civil War''' - Louis Clyde Stoumen, Yapımcı ** Man in Space ** A City Decides ** The Dark Wave ** The House Without a Name * 1957 - none given * '1958 - Ama Girls''' - Ben Sharpsteen, Yapımcı ** Employees Only ** Journey Into Spring ** The Living Stone ** Oeuverture * '1959 - Glass''' - Bert Haanstra, Yapımcı ** Donald in Mathmagic Land ** From Generation to Generation Not: Sinema Sanatları ve Bilimleri Akademisi tarafından 2005'te yayımlanan bir basıb bülteninde En İyi Kısa Belgesel Film kategorisinde ödül kazanan Benjy (1951) ve Neighbours (1952) filmlerinin açıkça ilgisiz kategorilerde Akademi ödülü kazandığını ifade etmektedir. Fred Zinnemann tarafından yönetilip Henry Fonda tarafından öykülenmiş olan Benjy özürlü bir çocuğun kurgusal hikayesini anlatmaktadır. Film Los Angeles Orthopedi Hastanesi'ne fon sağlamak için kullanılmıştır. ... Günümüzde Kısa Animasyon kategorisinde değerlendirilebilecek Norman McLaren'in Neighbours filminde bir savaş alegorisi oluşturmak için gerçek insanlar kullanılarak yapılan bir animasyon tekniği olan "Pixilation" kullanılmıştır."


* '1960 - Giuseppina''' - James Hill, Yapımcı ** Beyond Silence ** En by ved navn København ** George Grosz' Interregnum ** Universe * '1961 - Project Hope''' - Frank P. Bibas, Yapımcı ** Breaking the Language Barrier ** Cradle of Genius ** Kahl ** L'uomo in grigio * '1962 - Dylan Thomas''' - Jack Howells, Yapımcı ** The John Glenn Story ** The Road to the Wall * '1963 - Chagall''' - Simon Schiffrin, Yapımcı ** The Five Cities of June ** The Spirit of America ** Thirty Million Letters ** To Live Again * '1964 - Nine from Little Rock''' - Charles Guggenheim, Yapımcı ** 140 Days Under the World ** Breaking the Habit ** Children Without ** Kenojuak * '1965 - To Be Alive!''' - Francis Thompson, Yapımcı ** Mural on Our Street ** Nyitany ** Point of View ** Yeats Country * '1966 - A Year Toward Tomorrow''' - Edmond A. Levy, Yapımcı ** Adolescence ** Cowboy ** The Odds Against ** Részletek J.S. Bach Máté passiójából * '1967 - The Redwoods''' - Mark Harris ve Trevor Greenwood, Yapımcılar ** Monument to the Dream ** A Place to Stand ** See You at the Pillar ** While I Run This Race * '1968 - Why Man Creates''' - Saul Bass, Yapımcı ** The House That Ananda Built ** The Revolving Door ** A Space to Grow ** A Way Out of the Wilderness * '1969 - Czechoslovakia 1968''' - Denis Sanders ve Robert M. Fresco, Yapımcılar ** Writer ** Jenny Is a Good Thing ** Leo Beuerman ** The Magic Machines


* '1970 - Interviews with My Lai Veterans''' - Joseph Strick, Yapımcı ** The Gifts ** A Long Way from Nowhere ** Oisin ** Time Is Running Out * '1971 - Sentinels of Silence''' - Manuel Arango ve Robert Amram, Yapımcılar ** Adventures in Perception ** Art Is... ** The Numbers Start with the River ** Somebody Waiting * '1972 - This Tiny World''' - Charles Huguenot van der Linden ve Martina Huguenot van der Linden, Yapımcılar ** Hundertwassers Regentag ** K-Z ** Selling Out ** The Tide of Traffic * '1973 - A Search for Answers''' - Julian Krainin ve DeWitt L. Sage, Jr., Yapımcılar ** Background ** Christo's Valley Curtain ** Four Stones for Kanemitsu ** Paisti ag obair * '1974 - Don't''' - Robin Lehman, Yapımcı ** City Out of Wilderness ** Exploratorium ** John Muir's High Sierra ** Naked Yoga * '1975 - The End of the Game''' - Claire Wilbur ve Robin Lehman, Yapımcılar ** Arthur and Lillie ** Millions of Years Ahead of Man ** Probes in Space ** Whistling Smith * '1976 - Number Our Days''' - Lynne Littman ve Barbara Myerhoff, Yapımcılar ** American Shoeshine ** Blackwood ** The End of the Road ** Universe * '1977 - Gravity Is My Enemy''' - John Joseph ve Jan Stussy, Yapımcılar ** Our People, Our Country ** First Edition ** Of Time, Tombs and Treasures ** The Shetland Experience * '1978 - The Flight of the Gossamer Condor''' - Jacqueline Phillips Shedd ve Ben Shedd, Yapımcılar ** A Native American Odyssey ** An Encounter with Faces ** Goodnight Miss Ann ** Squires of San Quentin * '1979 - Tribute to an Artist''' - Saul J. Turell, Yapımcı ** Dae ** Koryo Celadon ** Nails ** Remember Me


* '1980 - Toward Liberty''' - Roland Hallé ve Peter W. Ladue, Yapımcı ** Don't Mess with Bill ** The Eruption of Mount St. Helens! ** It's the Same World ** Luther Metke at 94 * '1981 - Close Harmony''' - Nigel Noble, Yapımcı ** Americas in Transition ** Journey for Survival ** See What I Say ** Urge to Build * '1982 - If You Love This Planet''' - Edward Le Lorrain ve Terri Nash, Yapımcılar - National Film Board of Canada ** Gods of Metal ** A Legacy of Hate in America ** To Live or Let Die ** Traveling Hopefully * '1983 - 15''' - Cynthia Scott ve Adam Symansky, Yapımcılar - National Film Board of Canada ** Ihr zent frei ** What Can the Children Tell Us? ** Sewing Woman ** The Architecture of Paul Rudolph * '1984 - The Stone Carvers''' - Marjorie Hunt ve Paul Wagner, Yapımcılar ** The Children of Soong Ching Ling ** Ethical Dilemmas in Nursing ** The Garden of Eden ** Vospominaniye o Pavlovske * '1985 - Dr. Charlie Clements''' - David Goodman, Yapımcı ** The Courage to Care ** A Blind Date ** The Story of a Community Orchestra ** The Wizard of the Strings * '1986 - Women--for America, for the World''' - Vivienne Verdon-Roe, Yapımcı ** Sam ** Sunflower in a Hothouse ** The Master of Disaster ** Debonair Dancers * '1987 - Young at Heart''' - Sue Marx ve Pamela Conn, Yapımcılar ** Memoirs of a Bookseller ** In the Wee Wee Hours... ** Language Says It All ** Silver Into Gold * '1988 - You Don't Have to Die''' - William Guttentag ve Malcolm Clarke, Yapımcılar ** Gang Cops ** Family Gathering ** The Children's Storefront ** Portrait of Imogen * '1989 - The Johnstown Flood''' - Charles Guggenheim, Yapımcı ** Fine Food, Fine Pastries, Open 6 to 9 ** Preserving the Past to Ensure the Future


* '1990 - Days of Waiting''' - Steven Okazaki, Yapımcı ** A Life to Remember ** So Like Us ** Burning Down Tomorrow ** The World of the Unborn * '1991 - General Electric, Nuclear Weapons and Our Environment''' - Debra Chasnoff, Yapımcı ** A Little Vicious ** The Mark of the Maker ** Birdnesters of Thailand ** Letters from American Soldiers * '1992 - Educating Peter''' - Thomas C. Goodwin ve Gerardine Wurzburg ** Untold Stories - Dorothy Fadiman ** The Journey of Chief Wai-Wai - Geoffrey O'Connor ** Margaret Anderson and the 'Little Review' - Wendy L. Weinberg ** A Portrait of Sam Borenstein - Richard Elson & Sally Bochner * '1993 - Defending Our Lives''' - Margaret Lazarus, Renner Wunderlich ** Chicks in White Satin ** The Life and Work of Sally Mann * '1994 - A Time for Justice''' - Charles Guggenheim ** 89 mm od Europy ** Blues Highway ** School of the Americas Assassins ** Straight from the Heart * '1995 - One Survivor Remembers''' - Kary Antholis ** A Self-Portrait on the Walls ** The Shadow of Hate ** The Living Sea ** The 20th Century Odyssey of Herbert Zipper * '1996 - The Life and Work of Mark O'Brien''' - Jessica Yu yönetmen, Yapımcı, yazar ve editör ** Cosmic Voyage ** Anything Can Happen ** An Album in Montage ** An Essay on Matisse * '1997 - A Story of Healing''' - Donna Dewey, Carol Pasternak ** Spirit of the Wild ** Amazon ** Daughter of the Bride ** The Fabulous Palm Springs Follies * '1998 - Improvisations on Romance in the Golden Years''' - Keiko Ibi ** A Place in the Land ** Sunrise Over Tiananmen Square - National Film Board of Canada * '1999 - King Gimp''' - Susan Hannah Hadary, William A. Whiteford ** Eyewitness ** The Angola Prison Rodeo


* '2000 - Big Mama''' - Tracy Seretean ** Curtain Call ** Dolphins ** Gentle Steps to Freedom ** The Man on Lincoln's Nose * '2001 - Thoth''' - Sarah Kernochan ve Lynn Appelle ** A True Drama ** Sing! * '2002 - Twin Towers''' - Bill Guttentag, Robert David Port, Robert Port yönetmenler ** The Collector of Bedford Street - Welcome Change Productions - Alice Elliott Yapımcı ve yönetmen ** The Legacy of Rosa Parks - Tell the Truth Pictures - Robert Hudson Yapımcı - Robert Houston yönetmen ** Why Can't We Be a Family Again? - Roger Weisberg, Murray Nossel yönetmenler * '2003 - Chernobyl Heart''' - Maryann DeLeo ** Asylum - Sandy McLeod ve Gini Reticker ** Ferry Tales - Katja Esson * '2004 - The Children's March''' – Robert Hudson ve Bobby Houston ** Autism Is a WorldGerardine Wurzburg ** The Children of LeningradskyHanna Polak ve Andrzej Celinski ** HardwoodHubert Davis ve Erin Faith Young ** Sister Rose's PassionOren Jacoby ve Steve Kalafer * '2005 - The Golden Age of Norman Corwin''' ** Casualty of the Bang Bang Club ** God Sleeps in Rwanda ** The Mushroom Club * '2006 - The Blood of Yingzhou District''' ** The Leon Fleisher Story ** Recycled Life ** Rehearsing a Dream * '2007 - Freeheld''' ** La Corona ** Salim Baba ** Sari's Mother * '2008 - Smile Pinki ** The Conscience of Nhem En ** The Final Inch ** The Witness - From the Balcony of Room 306 * '2009 - Music by Prudence ** The Tears of Sichuan Province ** The Last Campaign of Governor Booth Gardner ** Closing of a GM Plant ** Rabbit à la Berlin


*'2010 - Strangers No MoreKaren Goodman ve Kirk Simon' ** Killing in the Name– Jed Rothstein ** Poster Girl– Sara Nesson ** Sun Come Up– Jennifer Redfearn ve Tim Metzger ** The Warriors of QiugangRuby Yang ve Thomas Lennon *'2011 - Saving FaceDaniel Junge ve Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy' ** Foot Soldier of the Civil Rights MovementRobin Fryday ve Gail Dolgin ** God Is the Bigger ElvisRebecca Cammisa ve Julie Anderson ** Incident in New BaghdadJames Spione ** The Tsunami and the Cherry BlossomLucy Walker ve Kira Carstensen *'2012 - InocenteSean Fine ve Andrea Nix Fine' ** Kings Point – Sari Gilman ve Jedd Wider ** Mondays at RacineCynthia Wade ve Robin Honan ** Open Heart – Kief Davidson ve Cori Shepherd Stern ** RedemptionJon Alpert ve Matthew O'Neill


