

1. anlamı i. uç, son, nihayet, baş; akıbet, encam; gaye, amaç, niyet, maksat, meram; sonuç netice. end for end uçları ters çevrilmiş. end on den. baş başa, tam pruvada; tos vuruşu gibi baş başa. end to end s. sıra ile veya uç uca dizilmiş. at loose ends.
2. anlamı son. bitim. bitiş noktası. son nokta. uç nokta. son kısım. amaç. erek. sona erdirmek. bitirmek. bitmek.


End İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

End anlamları

  1. (noun) The extreme or last point or part of any material thing considered lengthwise (the extremity of breadth being side); hence, extremity, in general; the concluding part; termination; close; limit; as, the end of a field, line, pole, road; the end of a year, of a discourse; put an end to pain; -- opposed to beginning, when used of anything having a first part.
  2. (noun) Point beyond which no procession can be made; conclusion; issue; result, whether successful or otherwise; conclusive event; consequence.
  3. (noun) The object aimed at in any effort considered as the close and effect of exertion; ppurpose; intention; aim; as, to labor for private or public ends.
  4. (noun) That which is left; a remnant; a fragment; a scrap; as, odds and ends.
  5. (v. t.) To destroy; to put to death.
  6. (noun) One of the yarns of the worsted warp in a Brussels carpet.
  7. (noun) Termination of being; death; destruction; extermination; also, cause of death or destruction.
  8. (v. t.) To bring to an end or conclusion; to finish; to close; to terminate; as, to end a speech.
  9. (v. t.) To form or be at the end of; as, the letter k ends the word back.
  10. (v. i.) To come to the ultimate point; to be finished; to come to a close; to cease; to terminate; as, a voyage ends; life ends; winter ends.

End tanım:

Kelime: end
Söyleniş: 'end
İşlev: noun
Kökeni: Middle English ende, from Old English; akin to Old High German enti end, Latin ante before, Greek anti against
1 a : the part of an area that lies at the boundary b (1) : a point that marks the extent of something (2) : the point where something ceases to exist world without end c : the extreme or last part lengthwise : TIP d : the terminal unit of something spatial that is marked off by units e : a player stationed at the extremity of a line (as in football)
2 a : cessation of a course of action, pursuit, or activity b : DEATH, DESTRUCTION c (1) : the ultimate state (2) : RESULT, ISSUE
3 : something incomplete, fragmentary, or undersized : REMNANT
4 a : an outcome worked toward : PURPOSE the end of poetry is to be poetry -- R. P. Warren b : the object by virtue of or for the sake of which an event takes place
5 a : a share in an undertaking kept your end up b : a particular operation or aspect of an undertaking or organization the sales end of the business
6 : something that is extreme : ULTIMATE -- used with the
7 : a period of action or turn in any of various sports events (as archery or lawn bowling)
synonym see INTENTION
- end·ed /'en-d&d/ adjective
- in the end : AFTER ALL, ULTIMATELY
- no end : EXCEEDINGLY
- on end : without a stop or letup it rained for days on end

End ile eşanlamlı (synonym) kelimeler

Cease, Close, Closing, Conclusion, Death, Destruction, Ending, Finish, Goal, Last, Oddment, Remainder, Remnant, Scrap, Stop, Terminate,

End ile zıt (antonym) anlamlı kelimeler

Begin, Beginning, Commence, Commencement, First, Get, Middle, Offset, Outset, Start,


İngilizce End kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
s. fin, acabamiento, acabóse, cesación, cese, conclusión, consumación, desenlace, final, postrimería, término; finalidad, gol, objetivo, propósito; cabo, acabe, cabillo, extremidad, extremo
v. acabar, cesar, concluir, fenecer, finalizar, finir, llegar a término, terminar; poner fin a, dar fin a, dar por terminado, dar término a, ultimar


İngilizce End kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
n. fin, bout, conclusion; limite; mort
v. se terminer; finir, terminer, cesser, achever


İngilizce End kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
n. Ende; Tod; Schluß; Abschluß; Ziel
v. enden; beenden; kündigen; Schluß machen


İngilizce End kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
s. estremità, fine, fondo; parte terminale; capo; punta; limite; conclusione, termine; scopo, intento, mira; risultato; resto, residuo, avanzo, mozzicone; morte; distruzione; (sl) colmo
v. finire, terminare, concludere, porre fine a; completare, chiudere


İngilizce End kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
s. fim, final; extremidade; finalidade; morte
v. terminar, concluir, acabar; matar


f. bitirmek, sonuca ulaşmak, son vermek, yok etmek, bitmek, sona ermek, sonuçlanmak, ölmek
i. son, uç, taraf, akıbet, kafa, ölüm, erek, kalıntı, izmarit, sonuç


Fransızca End kelimesinin İngilizce karşılığı.
(m) n. weekend, days of rest at the end of the week


İngilizce End kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
zn. eind; slot; beëindiging; dood
ww. beëindigen; stoppen; eindigen


n. completion, termination; purpose, aim; death
v. bring to a conclusion; complete, finish, conclude; cease
v. end, bring to a conclusion, complete, finish, terminate; be finished, be completed


Almanca End kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
adj. final, définitif


Almanca End kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
adj. netto, ultimo


Almanca End kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
adj. terminal, desinencial, final

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