(noun) That which is enunciated or announced; words in which a proposition is expressed; an announcement; a formal declaration; a statement.
(noun) The act of enunciating, announcing, proclaiming, or making known; open attestation; declaration; as, the enunciation of an important truth.
(noun) Mode of utterance or pronunciation, especially as regards fullness and distinctness or articulation; as, to speak with a clear or impressive enunciation.
Enunciation tanım:
Kelime: enun·ci·ate Söyleniş:E-'n&n(t)-sE-"At İşlev:verb Türleri:-at·ed; -at·ing Kökeni: Latin enuntiatus, past participle of enuntiare to report, declare, from e- nuntiare to report -- more at ANNOUNCE transitive senses 1 a : to make a definite or systematic statement of b: ANNOUNCE, PROCLAIMenunciated the new policy 2: ARTICULATE, PRONOUNCEenunciate all the syllables intransitive senses : to utter articulate sounds - enun·cia·ble /-'n&n(t)-sE-&-b&l, -'n&n-ch(E-)&-/ adjective - enun·ci·a·tion /-"n&n(t)-sE-'A-sh&n/ noun - enun·ci·a·tor /-'n&n(t)-sE-"A-t&r/ noun