

1. anlamı (s.), (i.) eşit, müsavi; muadil; (i.) muadil olan şey; eşit miktar. equivalence (i.) eşdeğerlik, denklik, eşitlik, muadil olma, tekabül, karşılama equivalently (z.) eşdeğer şeklinde, eşdeğer olarak, eşit olarak.,denk,eşit.
2. anlamı eşdeğer. denk. karşılık. eşit.
3. anlamı esdeger. denk. karsilik. esit.


Equivalent İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Equivalent anlamları

  1. (a.) Equal in measure but not admitting of superposition; -- applied to magnitudes; as, a square may be equivalent to a triangle.
  2. (noun) A combining unit, whether an atom, a radical, or a molecule; as, in acid salt two or more equivalents of acid unite with one or more equivalents of base.
  3. (v. t.) To make the equivalent to; to equal; equivalence.
  4. (noun) That comparative quantity by weight of an element which possesses the same chemical value as other elements, as determined by actual experiment and reference to the same standard. Specifically: (a) The comparative proportions by which one element replaces another in any particular compound; thus, as zinc replaces hydrogen in hydrochloric acid, their equivalents are 32.5 and 1. (b) The combining proportion by weight of a substance, or the number expressing this proportion, in any particular compound; as, the equivalents of hydrogen and oxygen in water are respectively 1 and 8, and in hydric dioxide 1 and 16.
  5. (noun) Something equivalent; that which is equal in value, worth, weight, or force; as, to offer an equivalent for damage done.
  6. (a.) Contemporaneous in origin; as, the equivalent strata of different countries.
  7. (a.) Equal in wortir or value, force, power, effect, import, and the like; alike in significance and value; of the same import or meaning.

Equivalent tanım:

Kelime: equiv·a·lent
Söyleniş: -l&nt
İşlev: adjective
Kökeni: Middle English, from Middle French or Late Latin; Middle French, from Late Latin aequivalent-, aequivalens, present participle of aequivalEre to have equal power, from Latin aequi- valEre to be strong -- more at WIELD
1 : equal in force, amount, or value; also : equal in area or volume but not admitting of superposition a square equivalent to a triangle
2 a : like in signification or import b : having logical equivalence equivalent statements
3 : corresponding or virtually identical especially in effect or function
4 obsolete : equal in might or authority
5 : having the same chemical combining capacity equivalent quantities of two elements
6 a : having the same solution set equivalent equations b : capable of being placed in one-to-one correspondence equivalent sets c : related by an equivalence relation
synonym see SAME
- equivalent noun
- equiv·a·lent·ly adverb

Equivalent ile eşanlamlı (synonym) kelimeler

Equal, Like, Same, Tantamount,

Equivalent ile zıt (antonym) anlamlı kelimeler

Unequal, Unlike,


İngilizce Equivalent kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
s. equivalente, contraparte
adj. equivalente, comparable, indistinto, sinónimo


İngilizce Equivalent kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
n. équivalent (en chimie); échange
adj. équivalent


İngilizce Equivalent kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
n. gleichwertig, wertgleich, equivalent (Chemie)
adj. abgewogen, gleichwertig


İngilizce Equivalent kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
agg. equivalente


İngilizce Equivalent kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
s. equivalente (também em química); em troca
adj. equivalente


i. bedel, karşılık, eşitlik
s. eşit, denk, eşdeğer


Flemenkçe Equivalent kelimesinin İngilizce karşılığı.
adj. equivalent, equal in worth or value, equal in importance; corresponding


İngilizce Equivalent kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
zn. equivalent
bn. weloverwogen, afgewogen, gelijkwaardig


n. something equivalent, something equal in value or importance; equivalent proportion (Chemistry)
adj. equal in worth or value, equal in importance; corresponding
n. equivalent, something equivalent, something equal in value or importance; (Chemistry) equivalent proportion


Flemenkçe Equivalent kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
1. (analoog) analogue; équivalent
2. (analogon) équivalent (m); parallèle (m)

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