

1. anlamı çocuk bekleyen. hamile. gebe.


Expecting İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Expecting anlamları

  1. (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Expect

Expecting tanım:

Kelime: ex·pect
Söyleniş: ik-'spekt
İşlev: verb
Kökeni: Latin exspectare to look forward to, from ex- spectare to look at, from spectus, past participle of specere to look -- more at SPY
intransitive senses
1 archaic : WAIT, STAY
2 : to look forward
3 : to be pregnant : await the birth of one's child -- used in progressive tenses she's expecting next month
transitive senses
1 archaic : AWAIT
2 : to anticipate or look forward to the coming or occurrence of we expect them any minute now expected a telephone call
4 a : to consider probable or certain expect to be forgiven expect that things will improve b : to consider reasonable, due, or necessary expected hard work from the students c : to consider bound in duty or obligated they expect you to pay your bills
- ex·pect·able /-'spek-t&-b&l/ adjective
- ex·pect·ably /-blE/ adverb
- ex·pect·ed·ly adverb
- ex·pect·ed·ness noun
synonyms EXPECT, HOPE, LOOK mean to await some occurrence or outcome. EXPECT implies a high degree of certainty and usually involves the idea of preparing or envisioning expects to be finished by Tuesday . HOPE implies little certainty but suggests confidence or assurance in the possibility that what one desires or longs for will happen hopes to find a job soon . LOOK, with to, implies assurance that expectations will be fulfilled looks to a tidy profit from the sale ; with for it implies less assurance and suggests an attitude of expectancy and watchfulness look for rain when the wind shifts to the northeast .


İngilizce Expecting kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
adj. enceinte, expectant


İngilizce Expecting kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
v. erwarten; hoffen; schätzen


İngilizce Expecting kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
adj. expectante


s. çocuk bekleyen, hamile, gebe


İngilizce Expecting kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
bn. zwanger

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